15. The Meeting and the Call

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Read the AN y'all :)


"Prince! Prince please, don't let go!"

"Anxiety? Anxiety!"

Roman blinked, the darker personality was holding on to his midsection with a vice grip that would probably bruise his ribs. Not knowing what else to do, he held onto his opposite.

"Don't please Prince, I can't, I don't know how to-", the younger was panicking, his body was turning translucent.

"Anxiety, I-i don't know what to do?!"

"Don't let go, please!" The darker persona was crying, his figure shaking and trembling, his body becoming less and less corporeal, his grip was slipping.

Anxiety cried even more.


He tried his best to hold on to the younger, Anxiety was almost completely see through.

"Princey please!"

His hold failed, the younger slipped.


He was gone.



"Prince Roman!"

The Royal woke, shooting up with a gasp, only to fall back on the bed. Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried his best to calm his breathing.

"Prince Roman!"

The sound came from outside his door.

"Yes?" Croaked the royal, his eyes were still shut and he remained on the bed, as his chest continued its rapid rise and fall.

"M'lord, may I remind you that you have a meeting to attend"

The aforementioned Prince groaned, blinking his eyes open, he slowly sat up.

"M' lord-"

"Yes, I heard you, thank you Geoffrey"

"Very good sir, you are expected to be there in half an hour, please try not to fall asleep sire"

"Don't worry, I won't", the Royal stood up, body shaking, "not after that terrible dream", he muttered to himself.

He got ready quickly and as much as he wanted to see Anxiety, he refrained, his hands still trembled and his heartbeat was just starting to normalize.

Prince was about to walk out the door leading to his castle, when there was a knock on his other door.

He had three doors in his room, the brown one on the far left was the door to the grand bathroom, the other, a large gold and red door, opened out to his castle hallway, (or the entrance to his castle if he so choosed), the other door was just red and it lead to the hall connecting to the commons.

Morality, stood at the red door.

The Father's face was just a tad flushed, but the concern was evident.

"Are you alright Roman?"

He smiled at the Parent.

"I'm fine thank you, I would love to stay and chat but I have a meeting to attend, wish me luck", with a small wave, he turned on his heels and headed through the gold door. Once on the other side, he stepped into the castle hallway with a shaky exhale, the pristine white walls, tiles and glass windows did nothing to soothe him.

He knew very well that Morality had sensed his nightmare induced distress, the Father was quite perceptive when it came to such things. However, he had no time to be comforted by his elder, no matter how much he wanted to, his hands had yet to cease shaking.

Muttering to himself to "get a grip", the Royal clenched his fists and marched regally to the kitchens, he gave no sign of his panic, he was a Prince after all.

Carefully he picked out an apple, a pear and a handful of grapes, they were washed for him and placed decoratively on a platter by some maidens. Thanking the three kitchen maidens for their assistance, he made his way to the Conference room.

As it was still early no one minded that he brought in food with him, especially since he was just picking on fruits, you couldn't fault a growing Prince for fruit.

He finished his grapes quietly while looking around, many of the seats were filled in, though quite a few remained empty as of yet. The majority present were other royals and or advisors but there were a handful of lesser emotions as well.

He gave a nod to a fellow royal who was eating a tangerine, and another to one with watermelon, glad to see he wasn't the only one that skipped breakfast.

By the time he finished the final bite of his pear, the last of the fruit on his plate, and thanked the young maid that relived him of his platter and provided him with a handkerchief, all the seats were filled.

The meeting began.


Thomas woke with a gasp.... and then a groan.

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