Waking up from the pleasantly hazy 'afterglow' like feeling wasn't easy.
Logic woke with a small groan, well he wasn't awake per say. His eyes were closed and he was happily buried in the familiar warmth that encompassed him.
He would have been content with remaining in the comfortable warmth and possibly slipping back into complete sleep but his phone's alarm was going off.
Opening his eyes he realized two things, his glasses were still on his face, albeit slanted and Morality was the warmth. Waking up in the father's arms brought an odd sensation to the Teacher, his cheeks itched for some reason and once more he wondered if he was also getting sick.
He wasn't one for too much contact, last night was obviously an exception and even though there wasn't any attachment, the Parental's embrace simply felt...right? Wasn't Anxiety a bit delirious when he first started getting sick?
He blinked out of his thoughts when the Prominent shifted, pulling him flush to his chest. Instead of pushing himself away, the Secondary found himself curling, simply letting the elder pull him closer. He didn't know why, Morality's embrace just felt nice and comfortable.
He could still hear his alarm but it was obvious that only he was the only one, granted his phone was all the way in his room. The Teacher sighed, he needed to get up but for some inane reason all he wanted to do was just lay and remain in the Parental's embrace.
It took half way to falling back asleep to realize why. When the father was truly tired, his aura tended to exude the feeling of calmness, not exactly Calm but the effect was the same. Recalling that he did in fact have a class to teach soon, Logic yawned and began carefully wriggling out of Morality's gentle hold.
Now free, his view changed from only the gray of the Father's onesie to the entire fort they were in. Looking around, he noticed that the children were no longer inside, likely having gone to sleep in their own rooms.
Turning a little more, a smile graced his lips as he saw what was no doubt an amusing site, Princey and Anxiety were still curled up together.
The youngest was flush atop the Tertiary's chest, comfortably curled as he held onto the Royal's pyjamas in a semi-loose grip. The Prince had Anxiety in an embrace not unlike the one Morality had on him. One arm curled around the younger's waist, while the other was at his side.
The Logical Personality snickered silently, the two polar opposites, different as the literal day and night...were locked in a lover's embrace. With their legs tangled together like that the Teacher could already surmise that their wake up call would be very amusing.
Speaking of a wake-up call, his alarm was still going off. Sighing again he carefully crawled out of the fort and went to get ready, he had to sub Homeroom again after all.
Once in his room the Teacher quickly grabbed his phone and dismissed his alarm, it was 6:18am. The time caused him to frown, his thoughts instantly going to the Prince. Did he have another meeting today?
Snapping his fingers the Logical personality appeared in front of the fort. Crawling in silently, so as not to wake the others, he shook Princey's free arm.
"Roman!" He whisper shouted.
"Mnh, huh?", the Royal blinked, obviously half awake.
"Do you have a meeting today?"
Roman squinted at him.
"Mhmeeting?...No, trial's at two..."
Logan was confused, there hadn't been a trial in ages.
"A trial? For who?"
Roman didn't answer having already slipped back into sleep and buried his face in the crook of Anxiety's neck.
Seeing as he wouldn't be getting any more information from the Prince, Logic rolled his eyes, snapped his fingers, appeared in his room and continued getting ready.
After a nice refreshing shower, Logic headed to check on the others, a certain father in particular. Seeing as last night's activities had exhausted the Parental, he took it upon himself to make the children breakfast again. A few Sandwiches for the kids and the other three seemed sufficient.

FanfictionBecause of an "Incident" Anxiety falls ill, Thomas won't speak, Logic is mad, Morality is just trying to be a good dad (they tell the best jokes) and Prince is trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Or Thomas finds out that the inner...