61. Pieces

268 20 38





Janus frowns in his sleep.

There's a gentle tap on his arm, it's light enough that he almost ignores it-

He's tapped again.



He stirs this time, trying to get his foggy brain and lax body to cooperate.

Another tap.




This time, it was closer to his face.

The sudden scent of chlorophyll caused Janus' eyes to snap open, only to be greeted with by certain carnivorous plant's teeth.

In panic, he shoots into a sitting position.

Only for Fifi to back away...and then immediately plop its head into his lap with a light croon and purr.

Blinking, the Serpentine Side exhales shakily before carefully petting the over grown plant.



Janus blinked again.

His still somewhat sleep addled mind, was only just realizing that those sounds were Fifi trying to wake him. He didn't get to think on it more because Remus suddenly stirs.

The Duke frowns and Deceit watched curiously as one of his Opposite's tentacles suddenly form and begin patting the area next to him...

The area he was once leaning against.


Before Janus could move to reassure the other that he was still there, Remus woke.

The Darker half of Creativity suddenly jerks up; but it's a half aborted motion as he belatedly realizes that a certain Aspect is asleep on and currently clinging to half of his chest.

Remus huffs but scootches back to a somewhat laying position- he happens to glance left; Janus, with Fifi in his lap, waves-

snorting the Duke rolls his eyes relaxing as he shifts down further.

Unfortunately, this movement causes Roman to snap awake with a confused and utterly undignified snort. "...huh- wha-?..." Blinking blearily, the lighter half of Creativity moves to sit up but like his darker half, the motion is half aborted as he belatedly realizes that Sleep is asleep on and currently clinging to half of his chest.

Roman glances to the left to see Janus and Remus awake. Sighing he shifts back down- only to accidentally wake Logan behind him.

Logic sits up immediately-- he nearly crushes his glasses that he had put beside him-- which in turn dislodges and wakes Patton, who happened to be clinging to his leg.

To his credit, the Primary Personality didn't so much as tense when he woke. Instead Patton simply blinked, put on his glasses from where it was folded on his shirt and then carefully rolled away from Anxiety's back before sitting up.

Once up, the Father figure glances at the others and waves, quite childishly, at them.

Janus rolls his eyes, but nods in greeting; Remus sticks his tongue out and winks; Roman smiles and Logan murmurs a quick apology for having accidentally woken him.

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