12. The Teacher's Tardy

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Chooochoo! ;)


Logic woke up to the sound of his alarm, groaning he reached out blindly for his phone and pressed snooze. Happily settling back to sleep... only to be awakened by another alarm.

The Teacher groaned once more, before actually picking up the phone, squinting at the screen, he realized that it was a notification for calendared date, today was the day he was supposed to be teaching again.

He was going to question why he set his alarm so early, when he remembered that he had to be at school earlier than usual to catch up on the material.

Dang, he really wanted to sleep a bit more, he hardly got any the night before with how his mind was roaming.

Sighing he got up and began to get ready, he had a job to do after all.


Logic was clean and completely dressed, well, almost...His glasses were missing.

After he had taken a shower, which was after he noticed one of his ties, the one he was wearing previously, was loosed completely and placed on the nightstand.
He knew instantly that Morality had removed his tie for him, he blushed a bit in embarrassment. The Teacher was so tired when he left Anxiety's room, that the second he reached his bed. He fell victim to sleep.

Speaking of Anxiety's room, Logic was sure it was in there, he recalled passing his glasses to Prince and the Royal placed it on the nightstand next to him.

If anything, it was a pretty good excuse to check on Anxiety, his dreams of the youngest weren't so pretty, blood, tears and fading.

Shaking his head to rid himself of his dreams, Logic headed towards Anxiety's door.

He knocked twice before entering. The youngest personality was curled up on his side, his chest slowly rising and falling, though with a slight jerky motion, a testament to his strange illness.

The boy was facing him so the Teacher could see the neutral expression on his face, Logic frowned, he preferred to see the small smile, but there was none on those parted lips.

Sighing quietly, Logan located his glasses on Anxiety's nightstand and made his way to it, only to be stopped by chirping.

The little blue bird twittered curiously at him, a little blue body guard, amusing.

"Salutations, I'm simply getting my glasses-"

The blue creature easily found it picked it up and brought it over to him.

The Teacher blinked for a moment before remembering that this was one of Prince's birds. He thanked the blue creature, put on his glasses and turned to head out the door, but once again he was stopped by chirping.

Giving the little bird a side glance, he noticed it carefully float above Anxiety's shoulder before perching lightly on it, the creature twittered gently at the sleeping one.

It then looked up at him and twittered some more before tilting its head at Anxiety. Understanding the gesture, Logic made his way over to the pair. Gently he placed his hand on the darker personality's forehead, the fever hadn't moved.

Where was the ice pack? Shouldn't he have had one yesterday? The Teacher didn't recall seeing it.

The bird jumped on his hand and twittered at him, not knowing what to do he opted for false reassurance.

"He'll be fi-"

The look the little bird gave him.

Truly, Anxiety had found one of his own, the pure and unadulterated deadpanned expression on its little blue face could have made cold sweat run.

Its beady black eyes were not having it, the creature huffed and its feathers puffed up in annoyance as if to say, 'do you think I'm stupid?'

Ok, he was more tired than he thought, the bird may be smart but there was no way it was making those expressions- it chirped sharply at him, nevermind.

"His fever hasn't changed, it's still high"

The bird twittered sadly, gently nuzzling the sleeping personality, before flying up at him. The Teacher tensed before realizing that the creature now flew at eye level, he held out a finger and the bird perched, gently twittering up at him.

"He'll be fine, I'm certain of it", he intended that to come out strong and believable but instead it was small and unsure. His eyes roamed the floor.

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