19. The Calm

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Pillow fort y'all ;)


"If he keeps going that way, he will fall"

Logan's breath hitched and his heart pounded.

Morality was still talking about the symptoms Anxiety was experiencing.
The youngest didn't eat this morning and yet was throwing up? Was it a result of the high fever?

He needed to calm down and think rationally. What would quickly bring down a high fever-

"/Would an ice bath help?/"

"Try a cold shower first, get him in there but have the water warm, then gradually decrease the temperature. Getting too cold, too fast might send him into shock"

"/I figured, but I still have no idea how his fever spiked back up-/"

"Do you want me to go help-"

"/No, you've missed two weeks of school already, besides it's not too bad, it just startled me that's all, if it were serious I'd come get you myself ok?/"


"/But nothing Logic, we can't afford you wearing yourself thin. You're already running on fumes and have your students to take care of right now, I can handle Anxiety. I'll keep you updated on the situation/"

"..al-alright...", The teacher was rather sceptical.

Morality picked up on it.

"/Logan, I'm serious, I can handle. I'll text you after the shower, I'll call if there's no change and if things get worse I'll go get you myself or I'll send one of the kids, ok?/"

The Logical personality sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Fine, just make sure you get him to eat something afterwards, if he throws up again, at least it won't be acid"

"/That was the plan teach, don't worry too much, Anxiety's a strong kiddo/"

"I know"

The call soon ended and Logan assumed that the Father was already helping the youngest personality into the tub. With another sigh and a shaky run of his fingers through his hair, the Teacher tried his best to calm his rapidly beating heart.

He checked his phone before placing it in his pocket, it was 2:10pm.

Biting his lip, Logic took a deep breath and exhaled as he put up his emotionless facade. Morality was right, he had his students to take care of and he needed to remain professional.

Turning around he made his way back into the class.


Unbeknownst to the teacher, majority, if not all, of his students had stood up and were peeking through the section of the door's clear glass.

They couldn't hear his conversation but they could infer that it wasn't a good call, especially considering how distraught he looked or how many times he sighed or ran his fingers through his hair.

The three students from his 8:00am class, Valerie, Luíz and Philla, glanced worriedly at him, it was then they realized how exhausted he truly was. Stress lines creased his forehead, his face was pale with dark tones sitting beneath his eyes.

How long had he been hiding it?

Valerie sighed, she could easily guess that it was Morality who called him, meaning Anxiety was getting worse. Instantly she felt guilty, she should have visited Thomas yesterday, who knows what effect the youngest manifestation's sickness would have on her friend?

Blinking out of her thoughts, the Veiwer realized that Logan was coming back.

"Everybody sit down!" She whisper shouted.

Everyone quickly scrambled to their seats, just in time for the straight faced Teacher to walk in.


Morality blinked twice, the glow in his eyes soon faded to give way to his chocolate brown irises. He sighed, guilt pooling into his very being, he knew the risks of using his ability and yet he still did it.

They all had abilities, different ones that were supposed to protect their host during an emergency. Each ability had three parts, a fatal, a second effect and a consequence.

His fatal was called End.

Aptly named for it was the ability to end emotions and even personalities without harming his manifestor, this was to protect the host should one of the emotions or personalities go haywire.
With nothing more than a few seconds of contact, he could destroy an emotion or split a personality into two core emotions and then destroy them.

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