69. The gray storm

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"I'm telling ya DeeDee! It's full proof! If those three get a place for them, then why can't we get a place of our own? Just the three of us, y'know?"

Janus sighed "how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"

"Every time I call you it!", grins the Duke cheekily.

Deceit rolls his eyes, "anyway, I don't find myself particularly concerned with the daily lives of those three but I have to admit, a place for ourselves does sound nice-"

"Yess!" Fist pumped Remus, "Choke on a chode Roman! In your moustache-less, goodie-goodie face!"

Janus snorted, stifling a giggle behind his hand. "I have to admit Remus, taking walks with you is always amusing"

Remus grins maniacally, and then mock bows, "I am a man of my people after all"

"Pfft! Sure, you are!"

The two of them kept walking down the clearing.

The forests of the Subconscious were lush but wild...

A place of both nature and mischief.

The Duke struts in without a care in the world and with Deceit following right behind him to ensure that they'd both survive the little outing.


Two things happened at once.

The siren for new emotions went off.

It also immediately began to rain.

Janus and Remus take cover under the branches of a sturdy tree-

"H-hello?!...Can- can you help me, please?"

Janus frowned, the voice was so not far from them, but it was, oh so, familiar.

Remus and Janus walked around for a solid twenty minutes, wondering just how bad their collective hearing was.

"I'm over here! Please help me!"

They eventually found the new emotion, stuck to the forest floor, too weak to move and liable to drown in the muddy ground as the rain beat harder around them.

"Vigilance?" Asks Janus dumbfounded, when he and Remus finally come a cross the newly formed emotion.

The newcomer on the ground gasps and his eyes widened for a fraction of a second, before the expression is immediately replaced by a grimace of pain. He shakes his head and sucks in a sharp inhale; he bites his tongue to stop any pained sounds from leaving his lips. "My- my name's Virgil"

Remus quickly scoops up the newly formed Personality and practically cradles him in his arms.

"Holy fuck, you're so small! Why are you so tiny? Shouldn't you be our size and age kid?-"

Janus easily cut the Duke off, focusing instead on the extremely thin and pale form of the new Personality in front of him. "What do you represent Virgil?"

Virgil for the most part, barley looked conscious, every other odd second his eyes would flutter and his head lolled against Remus's chest.

"Mhm..." he mumbles tiredly, steadily losing his battle with staying conscious, "m Anxiety..."

With that, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he went limp in the Duke's hold.


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