68. Foundation of Formation

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The reverb from the clash of his sword against-- the now still-- form of the last daughter, did nothing to stop the rest of the chaos from reaching his ears.

"Down she goes!" shouted Valeria.

"Break her fucking wings! A downed Dragon is a dead one!" Shouted back Remus as he swung his Morningstar in wicked glee. The resulting Cracking-squelch of scaled flesh meeting metal resounded throughout the Castle.

The Dragon Witch Howls.

The Sound and sheer force powerful enough to send Remus' form slamming into the wall across the room.

"LapDog! Your Strings to bind her!" Called Leonidas.

The sound of the Yellow strings being cast rings in everyone's ears.

"I've got here!", calls Deliahs.

"Here too!", calls out Ginala.

Similar calls of confirmation came from Benjamin and Farihas, Alexis and Dominicus.

"Good! Now Pull!" Orders the LapDog.

Strings wrapped around the large writhing Dragonic form; it's lone unbroken wing flapping aggressively.

"Five more Witches incoming!" Warns Logic.

"Three more Dragons on my end!" responds Morality.

From outside a call came in, somehow loud and clear among the cacophony. "Take her down! I'll keep more from entering!"

S H I N K !

P L O P !

The Howl of the Queen resounds again.

"Well your highness! It is called and eye for an eye, after all~"

The LapDog laughs cruelly, holding in his gloved hand, what no one else could see but all already know, her literal left eye. The strings had sliced off a sizable chunk of her eye and snout. Leaving the blood and viscera to flap about as she growled, howled and shook.

The lone wing almost knocks into the LapDog in retaliation, a blow that was surely aimed to kill him- except Remus rises from where he had fallen and surges into the fray with a mighty leap; right on time to bring his weapon down on the wing, breaking it messily. Blood sprayed, coating him but not the LapDog he was standing in front of.

Without her wings the strings surrounding her, kept the Dragon Witch effectively pinned to the ground.

"You!" She growled, throat raw in pain and flame long doused by Logic's odd liquid invention. " I created you! You were to be loyal to me!"

Remus laughed. "Sorry Queenie! I said I was as Loyal as Roman was to you", he stepped closer to her, literally standing on the severed off part of her face. "If you didn't know, that was the day he stopped being loyal to you!~"

Remus then looked at him, "Head's up!"

And the only thing in his head that he could respond with was, "Head's off!"

Like his Twin Image before him, Roman leapt and struck, swinging down with enough force to separate the Dragon's head from its body.


The Host blinked. "If all of you guys were in that room with the Queen, where was my other Side or Sides?"

"They...", starts the Duke with a deliberate slowness, "were outside helping fight off her royal bitchiness's minion Orcs and other hordes. She didn't only have Dragons and Witches at her disposal y'know"

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