22. Storm

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Sometimes being a teacher can be rewarding


"The Viewer Ranking system is complete and I am quite pleased with the results!"

Logan's voice resounded within the classroom, the anticipation brought a certain light to each one of the students' eyes. He held up the papers he had given to the class earlier and began returning the now checked papers.

All of the Viewers were to write down their names, ages, colors of aura and the number of Partial manifestations they saw, once done they were to hand it to him individually. The Ranks were rather easy to tell this way and after checking and marking the papers, Logic smoothly jotted down the names and their appropriate numbers on his own piece.

"Of course I will not state your ranks, but you are free to do so yourselves", he then started reading from the sole paper in his hand. "In total we have six students that are Fours, five students that are Threes, four students that are Twos and most surprisingly, two students that are Ones"

The Teacher shot a quick peripheral glance at Valerie and Philla, both girls somehow managed to catch the small movement and giggled quietly to each other.

"I am very happy to have a class as diverse as this-"

"Yeah Teach, we got different races, ages, sexes, we definitely got different sexualities in here too! Different Ranks of Viewers and I'm willing to bet that we got different Classes of Partials. You can't get any more diverse"

Logic smiled, "Well said Jerome"

The class chittered happily, students eagerly discussing their Ranks and trying to guess which two of their classmates were the ever-rare Ones.


The Conference room was tense.

No one dared speak, all eyes and ears were focused on the Archer, the Ex-Steward and the Councilman.

"Forgive me if I misheard archer", the pudgy man started, "but you claim the prosecuted is your brother?"

"Adopted-brother", hissed Ericsson.

A collective sigh passed through the room.

"A brother still the same", replied Charles.

The Councilman frowned.

"If he is your brother that would mean that you hail from Prince Leonidas' Kingdom aswell, so then, pray tell, why are you in Prince Roman's Guard?"

The entire room seemed to have gasped, murmurs and mumbles were thrown about. The Royals on stage were tense, two more so than the others. Upon further inspection one could see that Leonidas' hands were shaking and Roman grew pale.

Another Council man stepped in to hush the crowd, this one a much older, slimmer and intimidating fellow.

"You best explain yourself clearly boy, you've wormed your way into quite a mess, start at the beginning, nice and loud or we'll have two sentences today"

The Crowd gasped again, there hadn't been a trial for so long and to have two sentences, in one day? Conflicting thoughts surged about the emotions, their faces showing a mix between actually wanting to see someone die and what was likely pity for the poor fool about to die.

To his credit, Charles stood his ground fearlessly and began telling his tale.

"My father was the Duke of Second Kingdom, under Prince Leonidas' rule. He and my mother were slaves of a high rank Witch-"

"Yes, just like every Lord, Lady, Duke and Duchess", sneered the wiry Council man. "Everyone knows that those enslaved under 'Royal or high ranking' Witches were given a respective status, so get on with proper story boy, I have little the time or patience to deal with stalling"

The archer continued without missing a beat.

"My apologies. However I was not stalling, though I suppose reciting common knowledge is unnecessary-"

"Very", muttered the elder in a dry tone. "I have no need for a silver tongue. So cease your slithering and get to it"

"Yes sir", there was not a slight bit of disrespect in the blonde's tone and the Councilman's scowling lips retreated into a thin line. He watched with piercing eyes as the younger male continued.

"The Witch, Kilavø, who enslaved my father had some very...conflicting views. She detested all dark skinned slaves and she hated any form of pride in a female emotion and thus so did my father. My mother was also one of Kilavø's slaves but she bore none of their views"

The emotions in the room were quiet, all interested in the archer's tale. Many wondering if his words would possibly get him beheaded alongside his brother.

"When Kilavø was killed, my father, out of all her slaves, was chosen to be made Duke. During that time, my sister were and I were only eight and six respectively. My mother, now the Duchess, made sure that we grew up loving, appreciating and respecting any and all emotions despite my father's views, while he taught us how to fit our new roles as his heirs-"

A sudden loud boom of Thunder startled everyone in the room, making emotions gasp and cry out unconsciously in their fright.

Adding to the noise were two shrill knocks on the locked door, the guard positioned at said door, opened it slightly and leaned to peek- only to be comically slammed back into the wall- as a flurry of maids busted in and rushed to close the decorative windows.

They moved fast, pulling down panes and tying curtains, all just in time for pitter-patter of the rain to descend upon the immaculate glass. With their job, of saving the conference goers from being wet, done the young ladies gathered in a neat line in front of everyone and bowed.

Roman in turn stood up from his semi-shocked position and gave them a bow aswell.

"Thank you very much girls, your swift work was greatly appreciated"

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