14. Soup

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"Anx- common kiddo, time to get up"

Bleary brown eyes opened a smidge.

"There we go sport, up and at 'em"

Anxiety groaned, turning the other way to bury his head into the pillow.

Morality rolled his eyes and continued to shake the younger's shoulder, Anxiety didn't budge.

"I know you're not feeling so well slugger, but you can't sleep the whole day away"

The ill personality didn't respond, having already slipped back into a deep slumber.

Once more Dad rolled his eyes, he had gotten up at 5:30am, both because he wanted to bid a fair well to Prince as the Royal headed off to his meeting and because he had a nightmare.


To see Anxiety fade away into nothing, truly tore at his heart and he couldn't refrain himself from checking on the younger. He sighed in relief when he saw Anxiety and the little bird, still in the same potion they had been when he checked on them yesterday.

Morality moved carefully to the younger, gently placing a hand on his forehead, the fever was finally going down. Smiling, he found a cold cloth, dampened it with cold water and placed it on the ill personality.

It was then he noticed the glasses on the nightstand next to him, it was obviously Logic's, so he grabbed them gently and carefully placed them in his pocket.

The Parent wanted nothing than to take them to the Teacher, but he figured that the Secondary personality would be sleeping and he really didn't want to disturb the other, especially when he had to teach today. He'd simply pass them to Logan at breakfast.

With that thought in mind, Dad headed to the kitchen and made pancake batter from scratch for the kids. The little rugrats would be up soon, ever the early risers, they always helped him manage the lesser emotions.

Humming, he mixed the batter and prepared the pancakes, he hyper focused on the task, thinking of anything too negative in his current state would undeniably cause chaos in the mindscape, he was the Prominent personality after all.


All the kids had just filed in when he heard-felt it, the pure and utter distress. He had felt this earlier in the morning with Roman, it's what woke him from his nightmare in the first place.

The Regal personality had shown no signs of having a bad dream, emotions already hidden behind false confidence and bravado by the time the father had gotten there. The Prince gave him a wave, bid him good morning and told him to wish him luck with his meeting.

Leaving with no further word, the lingering stomach turning feeling went trailing after the Royal. Now Morality felt it again, this time from Logic's room.

Telling the kids to help themselves, the Parent quickly made it to Logan's room. The feeling of unease grew and he couldn't help but begin knocking frantically when the other didn't respond.

Finally he gave in and barged in, instantly fixating on the mumbling and whimpering Logic. His eyebrows were furrowed, his forehead was sweaty and his head was starting to toss from left to right.

Morality wasted no time in shaking the younger awake. The reaction was instant, Logic shot up with a gasp, causing him to pull back in fright.

Logan was mumbling about 'it being a dream', his face was blank his eyes wide and his breathing erratic, Dad gently placed a hand on the Teacher's shoulder.

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