or not to Feels that is the Question XD
Logic stepped up, neutral expression in place but for as unperturbed as he may have seemed, on the inside he was gaping.
"Anxiety, you did that?"
The teacher just couldn't believe- Anxiety did something he never would have thought to do.
It was illogical to turn the wheel, in any other circumstance, without the luck, that tanker would have hit them, no matter what.
If he was in the car instead of Anxiety, Thomas would either be dead or in the ICU at best.
He wouldn't have turned the wheel, he wouldn't have risked it, and because of that he wouldn't have protected Thomas, the one true thing a personality sets to do for their host, the one thing he held above all else.
If he was in that car and not Anxiety, Logic would have watched as the manifestor died.
He would have failed to protect the boy.
But Anxiety?
Anxiety saved Thomas' life-
"I'm sorry"
Logic stepped up towards him, face set and stern.
Anxiety tensed.
The Teacher was coming closer and every part of his being was telling him to run-"You're a coward Anxiety"
He flinched, thoughts of what had occurred in the kitchen echoing in his mind.
The other didn't seem to notice, he came close, looking at him with an odd glint on his eyes.
The younger personality gulped, Logic was going to yell again.
This was bad, he screwed up majorly, hell if the Teacher yelled at him for this he might even yell at Thomas, they should have been more careful on the road.
No-he wasn't going to let that happen, Logic could yell at him not Thomas, the manifestor wasn't to blame, he was the one who got hurt. It was his fault, maybe if he acted faster, or if he didn't fall asleep he would have been more alert, they could have probably pulled to the side a lot earlier or if he hadn't drifted off before they got stuck in traffic, they could have turned the other way or...
Anxiety's mind was racing a mile a minute and his heart was following that pace, breathing was becoming a bit difficult but the personality ignored it, he needed to stop this now before Thomas got a lecture he did not deserve.
"Anxiety, you did that?"
He gave a slight nod in answer, the darker personality was standing now, somehow, head bowed low with eyes to the ground.
"How could you do such a thing Anxiety?"
Logic was mad, he winced but he needed to make sure the Teacher knew that all the fault was his and not Thomas'.
"I'm sorry"
Prince gaped, Anxiety was acting strangely, he was acting like - he paused for a word- the other was acting like he was afraid of Logic.
The Royal had seen Anxiety flinch, he saw how the younger tensed up, but why? Logic wasn't going to harm him, especially not now, he had just saved Thomas' life, something all personalities were meant to do, something even he was not brave enough to do.
Anxiety cheated death, there was no way else to put it, he cheated death and made sure Thomas escaped with him. How the darker personality managed that, Prince had no clue.
If he was in that car...well they wouldn't be here today, he could fight Dragons and witches and Dragon witches but death? That was something he had yet to conquer.
He looked at the younger personality in silent awe, but Anxiety was still behaving strangely, maybe he should say something to the other, after all he was still sick, maybe it had something to do with tha-
"I'm sorry"
Or not.
"Thomas? Thomas please talk to me son"
"I'm sorry"
Of all things Morality expected, this apology was not one of them. He expected his host to tell him that he wasn't his son or to tell him to make the phone calls and notifications stop, but why was he apologizing?
"I said I'm sorry", the muffled voice mumbled.
Morality ventured closer to the lump on the bed.
"For what Thomas?", his tone was gentle and steady but the concern still slipped through.
There was no answer.
"I-I'm sorry-"
Morality winced, the boy's voice cracked, laced with emotion and no doubt, tears.
"You still haven't told me for what though kiddo"
"I'm s-so sorry"
"Thomas", the tone wasn't stern but it got the job done just the same.
"I almost got us killed, I almost got Anxiety killed, I almost-"

FanfictionBecause of an "Incident" Anxiety falls ill, Thomas won't speak, Logic is mad, Morality is just trying to be a good dad (they tell the best jokes) and Prince is trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Or Thomas finds out that the inner...