29. Believe

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Yes I finished editing this at 2:00am..Don't judge me, it's still Sunday until the sun comes up XP

TW: Hey guys before we start I just want you guys to know there will be a bit of gore in this chap. I don't know if the death scenes are that bad but I am giving you guys the heads up...or should I say Heads off? (ooh ya'll gon'hate me for this one lol).

I did say scenes as in plural- there are multiple (in the next chap). Do tell me how vivid they are to you so I can tag it more appropriately ok? Stay safe guys.

Oh and Happy belated birthday to our Favourite Coffee Boi...heh ;)


If you wanna get out alive-♪

o-ohh run for your life!


He was in a forest.

The trees surrounding him were old, leafless and decrepit- so a sick, perverse version of a dead forest, if he were to be exact. Almost all of them looked the same, knotted and gnarled with little holes in them...he was sure they had little yellow eyes blinking at him as he passed.

Oh, did he mention that he was running?

Because he was-

He was running as fast as he possibly could.

His throat burned as his breathing grew more and more ragged. His exhaustion grew as well but he couldn't stop now, that...thing was right behind him.

Its semi-liquid inky body was slithering quickly towards him, leaving nothing but a simmering-and no doubt acidic-black ichor in its wake.


Anxiety couldn't tell you how he ended up here nor could he tell you where he was or what exactly was chasing him. All he knew was that he had to get out and make sure as hell that thing didn't get him.

He didn't take much backward glances for fear of it catching up to him, but from the few glances he did take he knew the thing was tall- freakishly so - with shadowy skin, a huge face and rows upon rows of sharp teeth. Its eyes were a terrifying yellow and its claws- oh god- they scraped the ground as it ran. Long, sharp and drippy with some type of ooze, one he could only assume was a type of poison.

He didn't know why it was chasing him but he wasn't going to stick around to find out. So he booked it.

Only belatedly realizing that the landscape was completely different from what he was used to.


He kept running.

He wasn't going to bother climbing a tree or hiding, the ink thing melted whatever was in its path. Besides, even if it didn't completely dissolve the tree he wanted to hide or climb, one of those things inside would definitely get him.

His only option was forward, so he ran in an off zig-zag hoping to throw the thing off.

It seemed to be working but he knew he wouldn't be able to keep that up for long.

The thing was still coming.


Gritting his teeth, Anxiety pressed on.

Forcing his shaky legs to move, he may not know where he was but he damn well was going to figure out how to get out. He was following the direction of the wind, this may have been a crappy forest but there was bound to be a sea or lagoon close by.

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