21. The Unrelenting

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Eh, i'm saving it for the next chapter ;)


"Good Morning class"

Logic walked in with a small smile, mentally he checked attendance and was pleased to find that all his students were present, except Eliža. While his smile still remained on the outside, the blonde girl's warning was echoing in his head. Forcing away the thought, the Secondary personality focused on his students of which he had unconsciously tuned out.

"Morning!" "Hey Teach!" "Buenos Dias Maestro!"

Logan chuckled at the greetings, already back in a pleasant mindset.

"Well, it seems like everyone's starting off in a good mood today, that's quite refreshing"

And indeed it was, the entire class was attentive and for it being an 8:00am class, that was saying something. Giving his second cursory glance around, he spotted Luíz, Philla and Valerie sitting at the far left corner. Odd considering that they usually sat off to a side in the front, but then again they were trying to scan his aura.

Rolling his eyes, he let them, since they were the only three from his 2:00pm class the Teacher knew they were worried and he appreciated their concern. So from the corner of his eye he watched and felt as the scanned his aura and in turn he scanned theirs.

The children weren't as adept or in tune with aura manipulation as he was and since that came with his abilities he could easily read anyone's aura without being noticed by anyone at all. Morality of course, was the exception, the elder simply had a knack for telling when he was reading someone like a book. He never understood how but he chalked it up to it being a Prominent thing.

The three students seemed relieved and really he didn't blame him, there was a drastic change from how his aura felt yesterday and now. Then again, Anxiety was looking better, the kids were happy, Morality was getting enough sleep and Prince- well though there hasn't been a trial for quite sometime, he highly doubted that someone was going to die.

So, all good things-hopefully.

His aura was quite stable and his mood was rather decent allowing his three curious students to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

"Alright, since I have all of your attention, let's continue were we left off and then jump right into the Veiwer ranking system. Mr. Torres can you quickly describe the colors of your groupmates' auras and can you please stand at the front?"

Luíz gave him an excited nod and went to stand up front.

"Good, I'd like to ask the rest of the partials to stand up front behind him"

Four other students stood up.

"Alright, you may begin Mr. Torres, after your done I'll explain why all five of you are up there, you may proceed"

"O-ok, ah, Philla su aura es Rosa-Pink es bright pink", Luíz blushed, even though his slip up was noticed, he was given looks of encouragement by the class so he continued with a grateful smile. "Para mi Prima, su aura es Aquamarine y finalmente la aura de Eliža es-"

Logic stopped him with a hand, he had a hunch that this was the reason the girl wasn't here. If she truly was a manifestor like he thought, then she likely had reason for hiding her identity, though he wasn't certain what reason that would be.

"Since Ms. Lori is absent, let's simply skip her aura analyzation and continue with the actual topic. Thank you very much Mr. Torres"

The class gave the young Latino a round of applause.

"Alright, now before we begin there's one key fact that you all need to know, Viewers and Manifestors have a different system of hierarchy while the Partials, of course, are in between. Viewers have ranks, Manifestors have types and Partials have class-"

"Well of course we do teach, we're the classiest", an African American boy snapped his fingers sassily in the classic left-right-left motion.

The class laughed and Logan rolled his eyes amused. "Yes, thank you for that insight Jerome-"

"You're very welcome teach", the boy clicked his tongue and gestured with finger guns. Mika then high five him.

The Teacher gave her an inquisitive look but the Asian girl just giggled.

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