34. Exposure

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AN//: It's just siblings and friendship and love, from all of them and- and I'm still soft. Shut up! I'll hurt you guys later shush! XD

Do check the AN at the end, I want to see who gets it right! ;)


It was foggy.

The type that sent shivers up and down your spine.

And Remanuel- ehem, Remy- found himself lost in the thick it.

"SO!" A voice booms through the fog, the Aspect jumped, teeth clenched shut and body tensing. "YOU'RE THE ONE MY BROTHER MADE!

A giant Green octopus tentacle suddenly shoots out and attacks him out of nowhere.

It's a close call but Remy dodges...by a hair.

The fog clears up with what sounds like a snap and someone that looks just like his Prince appears. The only difference was the clothes, the hair and that mustache.

"Ooh Goody!" He says, "You're not that easy to kill, this will be fun!"

He points his hand forward and another of his tentacles attacks the Aspect.

Once again Remy dodges out of the way. Adrenaline pumping and utter confusion flowing through him.

"Hello Remanuel, my name's Remus, I'm The Duke!" He says, cackling and then...he gives a little bow.

When he stood up, six more tentacles appeared;fanned out behind him as if he were an eight armed octopus himself.

"I'm also Creativity, and as a Creator to a creation", he raised his hands up- the tentacles lifted, thousands of suckers on full view- he brought them down with force. "I need to see if you're worth the effort!"

The tentacles came down with a speed Remy couldn't possibly hope to dodge, so he throws up a Dream Sand barrier in a beat of pure instinctive self defense.


Remus smirks, teeth wide and sharp.

"So Rise of the Guardians huh? Then I'll be Pitch Black!" The Green tentacles turned black, the color change of course doing nothing to minimize the speed of the attacks.

Remy, now really worried for his short existence, manages to dodge. Gritting his teeth, the Aspect decided that it was high time he fought back, his sand replicated the first move Remus has attacked him with; a Gold Dream Sand Tentacle-glittering suckers and all.

The Duke gasps, his expression turned manically gleeful. "You learned how to do my move! Do it again! Do it again!" He keeps attacking, tentacles 'whapping' down left and right.

Remy, for his part manges to roll out of the way, forming the other seven tentacles in a rush and swings back, hard enough to rip off a tentacle.

Both of them were shocked but the newly created Aspect didn't linger long, instead he swung again.

The tentacles ripped each other apart.

Sand tearing off squishy slick muscle...

Strong corded sinew breaking Sand into dust...

A stalemate.

The Duke smirked, not one to be put out by the loss of his tentacles. He could always summon new ones, but he had a better idea... He summoned a Mace to his hand.

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