52. The Future's present

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Remy gasps and rears back.

The Aspect lifts his sunglasses and spins on the three Personalities in front of him, without his Shades they could easily see the cold determined look in his eyes.

"Me? Tracked? No, if anything it's only trying to find me. I think it's because I can sense it"

Anxiety quirked a brow, "What do you mean? Are you telling me you know where the source of these Ink things are?"

Sleep shakes his head, placing his Shades back on. "Not a hundred percent but I've been putting the pieces together. The recent memory shows that you recognize the Dragon Witch's voice right? Except I recognized that voice too and neither of us are old enough to have ever met that crazy bitch"

Roman and Remus step closer to them with a nod.

Remy continues. "We just found out about the Manifestor's curse and we know that it's a given thing despite the "blessing" right? Roman killed the last Dragon Witch, what if a new one was recently born? Things started to go to hell when that bastard Ericsson built his machine and we all agree that's probably where these Ink things came from. I'm willing to bet that She was working with him and then swindled and corrupted the fucker. From the day I got you guys out of the subconscious I've been able to sense those creatures but by that time there already was a shit ton of them at the Gate. The destruction of the Dream Tower was planned"

"That makes sense actually", comments Roman with a hand on his chin, "Erricson built a Dream Machine and it's been feeding Thomas vivid nightmares among other things, without the recognition of the Dream Tower. If the Dream Machine created those creatures that means they aren't Ink, more like nightmares mixed with-"

"Intrusive thoughts", finished Remus, "it's raw nightmare material and that might explain why I was coughing it up. When we were trapped in the subconscious, all of us Sides were weakened, even when we woke up. I think my core couldn't handle losing so much energy and then being blasted with the excess energy from these things in the center of the subconscious almost killed me-"

Roman blinked, "Remus I don't think-"

"Think about it, whatever the Ink touches it drains, like my core was doing to keep stable, there isn't a proper energy source for it-"

"Right!" chimes in Remy, " If this was caused by a machine and not the Dream Tower, it wouldn't be enough energy to sustain the nightmares for long-"

Anxiety, who was looking between the Trio, finally lost his cool. "Uh, that thing fucking ate the Dream Tower! Doesn't it have all the energy it needs now?"

Sleep shrugs sheepishly, uncharicteristcally rubbing the back of his neck."Doubt that, it didn't get the source of energy from the Dream Tower." He shrugs, "The Tower only had enough energy to keep running, the source is actually Thomas himself. When I went to live in the Tower, I took it over, just like that and I didn't want something evil ever having that chance. So I made the source Thoma's Dreams and so long as he could sleep the energy would spread through the Tower via a conduit "

"Ok, so we have the Energy Source, and they have the conduit?" Anxiety crosses his arms, "then we just have to get that back right?"

"Uh not exactly, they don't have the conduit, or not the main one atleast-"

"Wait what? Then where is the main conduit?"

Remy takes a slight step back and gives the Personality a small wave. "That would be me. I conducted the energy the subconscious gets from when Thomas is asleep and convert it into Dream energy, which the Tower ran on"

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