2. Sick

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"He's sick?"

Morality nodded, Logic scoffed.

The teacher like personality was still very peeved at Anxiety, last week had to be Thomas' worst attack yet, the boy almost needed to go to the hospital because of it!

No Logic wasn't quite ready to forgive the other, like always, he had gone too far and him being sick? Likely and excuse to keep avoiding Thomas.

After all, he didn't so much as check to see if his host was alright, he was obviously guilty, it was probably the reason Thomas wouldn't speak about the "incident".

Thomas himself was reeling.

"Anxiety's sick?" he repeated.

Morality nodded again, "kiddo has a bad fever, Prince is staying with him"

"Did he tell you what caused it?"

Dad shook his head, "I wish he could, he was unconscious when we found him.

Thomas swallowed thickly, Anxiety was sick, was it his fault? Was it because of the incident? Things went too far and too fast, they-they nearly died that day. Sure he didn't really like the guy, but deep down he knew that Anxiety only wanted to protect him, just like any of the others, just like that day.

"Thomas? Thomas are you alright?"

Logic's concerned voice snapped him away from that train of thought.

"Yeah, we can't have both of you falling sick on us, now can we?" Morality chuckled, but Thomas could hear the emptiness behind it.

He knew the parental personality was worried, it was quite obvious, but the boy said nothing, Morality was doing his best to lighten the mood, too bad it didn't work.


Anxiety tossed his head gently against his pillow, he grunted once or twice before waking with a near silent gasp. The first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes, was red.

Instantly his mind went into panic, he was still there, his forehead was cold and he couldn't see past the blurry red, he could only guess that it was blood, Thomas' blood, his head was spinning, his vision was spotted and whatever he had eaten was threatening to come back up.

Groaning slightly Anxiety tried to lift his head up, obviously Thomas was still alive, a personality couldn't live without their host after all, but he needed to see how much damage his mistake caused.

He was sure it would be one that would scar him forever.


"I think he's faking it-"

It had been a couple hours since Morality gave Thomas and Logic the news.

Thomas was long gone, mumbling something about being tired as he trudged upstairs, leaving two personalities in the living room, that was around 1:00pm, it was 3:43 now.

"Really Logic? Thomas has splendid acting ability and by default so do all of us, but I highly doubt that Anxiety is that good of an actor".

Morality rolled his eyes at the other personality.

Logic opened his mouth to argue but Dad cut him off before he could speak, "he's sick and it's worrying me, you've heard the stories of those personalities"

This time Logic rolled his eyes, "come on Morality it's been a week, there's no way he's fading, and besides those are just stories they tell personalities and emotions to keep them relevant and under control"

"But Depression-"

"Is a disease, a disorder"

"Well the 'normals' call partial manifestation a disorder too"

"MPD is such an ugly thing to call the 'partials', majority of them are wonderful, as are their personalities, and the 'viewers' tend to be really nice too- wait a minute, we weren't discussing the types of humans Morality-"

"No we weren't, because if we were, you wouldn't have forgotten the most important type of human, Thomas!", Morality chuckled a bit.

Which in turn caused Logic to roll his eyes again but he had a small smile, "Yes, the 'manifestors', just like our Thomas are quite special, but there are very few of them, I've always wondered why there were less of them than-"

"That's because they ignored an emotion or personality and it almost faded so it accidentally killed it's host-"

Logic threw his hands up.

"Oh for the love of- he's not fading Morality-"

"I know that, all I'm saying is that he's sick and I'm worried about him"

"And I'm saying that he's faking it because he's guilty of whatever he did to Thomas last week-"

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