74. Cogent corollary

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He was floating.

How peculiar.


That voice...

"Fuck! Logan!" The familiar voice shouted desperately, "Logan!"

Who was that?

Why couldn't he see who it was?

"Logan, wake up! Please!"

Ah, so he was likely in a state of unconsciousness. That explained his inability to see at least...everything else was still drawing blanks.

He knew that voice, he was certain...but why couldn't he remember?

"No! ...no, no, no! Logan!"

And why was the other so worried?

...worried... Anxiety?

"Fuck, I'm so sorry L-"

It was Anxiety! He sounded as if he were crying...what could have possibly had the Youngest sounding this terrified on his behalf?

Frowning, Logan strained against the pull of senselessness, and fought to open his eyes.

Immediately pain flooded throughout him, particularly from the back of his head.

"...ngh...", he groaned.

"Holy shit, Logan!"

Logan, who was still trying to gather his senses, looked down at the drop and then quickly up at Anxiety, who was just barely holding onto him. To make matters worse, he was slipping.

Immediately, the Secondary shoves down his irrational feelings of fear and bent his fingers, curling them, so that the Younger personality above him would be able to grip onto his first knuckles. It was pure instinct but it would at least buy him some time to move into a more secure hold.

Anxiety held fast and Logic wasted no time in surging up and using his other arm to firmly grip the younger by the forearm with strength no doubt fuelled by adrenaline. In that same beat, Anxiety let go of Logan's other hand to lock in the forearm hold.

The moment that they were 'secure', a manic sob bubbled out of Anxiety.

"Fucking hell Logan, we almost lost you-"

"Like the other two, I presume?"

The Secondary Personality hadn't meant to have said it out loud, or so callously as he did, but as far as he could see there were only four of them and in their current predicament, he expected the worst.

Whatever breath Anxiety managed to catch died immediately in his throat. With a shaky inhale, the Emo nods contritely, his eye shadow dripping down in tearfully rivulets.

Remus above them both, held the same expression.

"...yeah..." , Anxiety says hoarsely, "when we got hit the only two I could reach were you and Roman. Remy and Thomas are still up there"

"...I see...", Logan says numbly as he looks down.

So he was right, Patton and Janus are gone.

How would that affect Thomas?

Sure replacements of their title would show up, but that Morality and Deceit would never be the same...

What would that mean regarding group dynamics?

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