AN//: 20gay-teen, 20bi-teen and 20-quarantine
March has been the longest year ever huh?
Thomas panicked.
He had two more Sides? How many more did he have?
Patton didn't answer him, the Prominent seemed shocked, stuttering in place.
The Mansifestor did give him time to finish those half formed sentences, instead he glances at the two newcomers.
"A pleasure to meet you too Thomas ~'', starts the one in yellow. He was still on one knee but he swept a hand forward and the other back to look like a genuflecting bow; he rose. "You can call me Deceit-"
"And I'm the Duke!" pipes the green one, 'jazz handing' with a grin wide on his ink stained face. "The name's Remus, and I'm your Creativity!"
The Host blinks, looks at Roman and then back at Remus, "wha-"
The Duke shrugs, mustache twitching, that grin ever unfaltering, "I'm also Roman's twin!"
Thomas rears back blinking as he jerks his head. He looks at Roman again throwing his hands out and gesturing to the apparent other half of Creativity. "You have a brother?!"
The Prince blanches, rubbing a hand behind his neck sheepishly, "uh...surprise?...heh"
Thomas shakes his head exasperatedly, turning back to the other two he exhales feeling more bewildered than ever. "Ok, so I have twin Creativity's, sure. I can deal with that, I guess. But why do I have a Side that..uh..I...Deceit?"
Said Personality shrugs, "I'm your self preservation-"
Thomas points behind him, gesturing to the Youngest Side. "But I thought that was Anxiety?"
Deceit locks eyes with the Emo, smirking ever so slightly at the resounding glare he received. "Oh he is, and so am I. See Anxiety over there deals with the physical acts of self preservation. I deal with the preservation of your ego, your sense of...self, if you will"
The Manifestor bites his lip, "I still don't-"
"Think of me being the embodiment of 'what you don't know can't hurt you'. I protect you from things you don't want to know about yourself or worse, things you don't want others to know about you"
Thomas pales but before he could comment or ask any further-
The ground began to shake, knocking everyone off their feet.
Picking himself up, Thomas watches as the Green Side helps the Yellow one up from his knees. The latter gritting his teeth as he rises, an arm pressed tightly against the right of his stomach. Frowning, the Host goes to stand beside them. He hadn't noticed before due to Deciet's suave tone but it looked like the scaled Personality was injured. "Hey are you ok-?"
"I'm fine-"
The ground begins to shake again and out from the rubble, that was once the Dream Tower, comes a bone chilling howl. An Ink creature the size of the Gate emerges.
The Manifestor blanches.
It looked like the same one that had chased him in that dream. Was everyone going to die again?
The monstrosity laughed, rows of teeth rattling together as the hoarse sound sent shivers down his spine.

FanfictionBecause of an "Incident" Anxiety falls ill, Thomas won't speak, Logic is mad, Morality is just trying to be a good dad (they tell the best jokes) and Prince is trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Or Thomas finds out that the inner...