26. Simultaneously

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Lmao, sorry i'm late the bus broke down XD

Check the AN:// y'all important stuff is down there


Roman bit at his lip, the teleportation affected him way more than it should have. He just barely managed to keep from swaying too much by quickly sitting in his assigned seat, but even then he still felt as if he was rocking on his feet. A sudden jolt and the metallic taste of copper in his mouth proved to him exactly how out of it he was. Hiding his flinch, he grounded himself with the pain and focused on the echoing fanfare playing in the background. The meeting would start the moment the trumpets quieted and he was not looking forward to it at all.

Groaning internally, the Royal forced himself to swallow the blood that pooled behind his sealed lips, should in case he needed to speak or smile, of course. It was surprisingly viscous. He grimaced but it had to be done, the thought of wiping it on his pristine white suit was completely ludicrous to the regal trait. It took roughly about two minutes for the blood to stop refilling his mouth, leaving Princey to question just how hard had he bitten his lip-

A sharp pull on his ears alerted him of his queue. Making a mental note to thank a certain bluebird, he cleared his throat-licked at his teeth one more time just in case- and addressed all in the room.

"Good morning everyone, I'm glad that you've all made it here today..."


After informing his class that Anxiety was indeed recovering, Logan jumped straight into the lesson.

"Now that you have your Veiwer Ranks and Partial Classes, it's time for the Manifestor Types. I had mentioned that the Partials and the Manifestors shared a similar system, with a few differences between the two, of course"

Turning to the board the Teacher began listing on the board:

1st Type: 4+ personalities
2nd Type: 3 personalities
3rd Type: 2 personalities
4th Type: 1 personality

"I presume this is rather straightforward?"

The class gave an affirmative.

"Good. Now, my host is a 1st Type Manifestor, which means he has four or more personalities. As you can see there's a plus sign for the 1st Types, while it does mean additional personalities it also means something else. This here, is one of the differences you may have not known between a Manifestor and a Partial. Manifestors have both Personalities and 'Emotions' "


Around the council table Prince Leo, Prince Dominic and Princess Valerie were there along with Advisor Deliah, each giving him their own quick worried glances when they thought he wasn't looking.

Roman sighed, those four would be watching him like hawks until they left. He honestly couldn't blame them, though he sorely hopped they wouldn't see through his exhausted facade.

The other crowned Royals had already travelled back to their kingdoms the day prior, as did Zenma and her council. Desna nor Charles were seen though Geoffrey was there by the stage. Surprisingly Fairy Godmother was there as well, she sat near Princess Valerie and every so often she'd shoot the Prince knowing looks that made him pale and look away. He was determined to see this stupid meeting-ahem meetings through, even if it rendered him unconscious.

Currently there was a Royal on the aforementioned stage. Princey didn't know his name but did recognize the male's crest, a duke of Prince Dominic's kingdom. In particular one of the Dukes that worked for trades between the Fifth Kingdom and the Main Kingdom.

Thankfully, Prince Dominic was there himself, so things went rather smoothly. Though if you asked Prince Roman, the whole procession was quite long and tedious, making the pounding in his head all the more torture.

By the time the Fifth Kingdom Prince was done and the trades were set up in proper and agreeable conditions, Roman was honestly considering calling off any further meetings for the year.


"Emotions are the loose terms given to aspects or figments with a purpose in one's mindscape. Bear in mind that an Emotion can, though rare, graduate from, well, an emotion to a personality but a Personality cannot downgrade to an emotion."

"Excuse me sir?"

"Yes Philla?"

"What's the difference between an Aspect and a Figment?"

"Well, generally they mean the same thing but figments don't have a solid form and thus remain in the mindscape. Meanwhile, an aspect, is the proper term for an Emotion that can be manifested and like Personalities, they do of course resemble their host. Do note that Aspects are usually weaker than Personalities and thus are often protected by their stronger counterparts-"

"So what, if we accidentally mess with an Aspect were gonna piss off a very over protective Personality?"

"A little blunt, but yes, more than likely Mika"

"Oh shit"

The classed laughed at the Asian girl's outburst, but we're quickly quieted when Logan started up again.

"Partials do not have these Emotions as their mindscape is limited, they have to share one space with their Host after all. Personalities are not emotions, even though they may encompass more. Take me for an example, Logic is not an Emotion nor a feeling but it does encompass knowledge, is this understood?

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