38. Come Together

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AN//: another successful Sunday update! It's a bit short but for good reason, enjoy!


"My Lord", smirks Patience, as she and Serenity do a curtsey.

The Jacket clad figure huffs and crosses his arms, "really?"

Patience tries to hold her laughter but Serenity shrugs, "We said we'd do it"

"Evil" he says.

"You know it!" Winks Patience, "anyway, we'll leave you guys to it, we've got some work to do"

"Ah, right, thanks. Wanna take the slide?"

The girls looked at each other and then back at their boss. "Yes!"

He chuckles at the two, but with a snap of his fingers, Dream Sand rose up and formed a gold slide all the way down to the entrance of the Tower.

The girls wasted no time before hopping on, setting themselves up -Patience between Serenity's legs- they gave a small wave before sliding down, shouting in glee the whole way.

The Sides, look on in awe.

Patton was beaming, bouncing slightly on his feet, already beyond excited.

"Well that's one way to make an exit, huh?"

"Ever the show off, hmm?!" Smirks Roman.

The other smirks back, holding a small near translucent stream of sand. He lets it flow, glittering idly around his fingers; he shrugs, "wonder who I got it from?"

The Tertiary Personality rolls his eyes at his friend's teasing lilt. "Funny"

It's Logan that buts in.

"Er, I'm not sure if I understood what you meant? Are you implying that Roman created you?"

The Jacket clad being broke into a huge grin, and gestures out shooting his arms out in a 'T' position.

"That he did! He just waltzed up to the subconscious one January day and boom, here I am! But don't read into it too much, we call each other cousins just to make things less awkward. Still there's more to it than that, obviously." He Shrugs, "take my sand for example, doesn't it seem familiar?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" Patton, still bouncing on his toes, raises his hand not unlike a child would in class. "Sandman!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Dream Sand rose up to dance around its smirking Master. "One of Thomas' favorite movies was Rise of the Guardians and Sanderson just seemed pretty fitting, hmm?"

Logic raises a brow, "fitting in what way exactly? I was informed that you are currently the Guardian of the Subconscious but other than that I don't see the correlation"

"You don't see the correlat- Oh! I haven't properly Introduced myself have I? Well get ready for a pretty long resume. I'm the Guardian of the Gate and anything that deals with the Subconscious. I'm also head honcho of the DreamTower and Long term memory data gathering-"

The Secondary Personality gasps, pointing at the other.

"Wait! You're the data gatherer? I'm the processor for Long Term Memories- I have to admit your reports are rather neat and meticulous-"

"Why Thank you! I don't look it, but try y'know-"

"Well all except for last week, I mean no offense, but your handwriting is atrocious-"

The Guardian of the Subconscious mock gasps, putting a hand on his chest, " Well excuse me! I'll have you know that I was sick and dying and I still still sent that report to you!...not my fault my printer wasn't working, those things are freaking evil!"

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