Chapter 66 : New life

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I know it's been awhile since I updated my book. So here's what been going on, I've moved with my grandmother back in my hometown, yes my mother was upset with me at the last minute when she found out and of course my step father doesn't make it better. I knew me moving was a great choice I made for myself this is my life; I thought what was best for me and my son that was coming home to live with my grandparents and getting my life together saving up some money. I talk to my mother time from time for her to see my son...Every time I look at him it warms my heart and brings a smile on my face. When he laughs I laugh when he smiles I smile as well; from the day he was born I knew my son would be the joy of my life and wash all my worries, sadness, frustration away. He brighten up my mornings with his smile it's all I could ask for...I wish things could be different for me and my mother but it's done now so Maybe one year I'll go back to Texas it's not forever just me getting my life together and figure things out on my own plus my other family members are helping me with my son. Oh that's right we had a party everyone loves my son but one person is very clingy to my son she's part of the family her name is grandma Rony.  I really never knew her that well and for her to ask about babysitting my son yeah I don't think so, I'm leaving my son with the people I know my whole life and know he's in good hands when I go back to work. The weather it's just like I remember when I was little finally I got to see snow again, also I asked my cousin Tyrell to see if I can work with he told me he'll look if I can or what's around for me to work. In all honesty I miss having money in my pocket so I don't have to ask others for nothing, my mother supposed to send me money I should have enough to buy me a car also get what me and my son Tyson needs. I've been thinking about changing his middle name since it's James it's been bothering me cause I only did that to make both of my parents happy, who knows I might change it and put his father on child support anyways. Oh way me and my boyfriends anniversary is coming up in a few weeks stay tooned  

~Time skip~

Well today is me and my boyfriends anniversary I'm very happy to be with him and hoping forever more. My son Tyson is five months today also so that's good , my baby boy is getting so big and he's such a ladies man all the ladies and men at the church today looking at him telling me how handsome he was. He's just a ball of joy in my life, I had taco bell for lunch and Cheddar for dinner I was listening to music while I was eating didn't want to listen to old ladies talking I was so into the music I started dancing and forgot where I was. So now I'm waiting on my mother to call me so she can her little man and also we can watch Jake long american dragon.

see ya next time kitten out ^^

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