Chapter 78: weather

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Hey guys hope everyone is keeping warm and have hot coco where any of my readers live, here in the midwest it's very cold trust me.  But everything is all good here,finally got some  snow  and, my son Tyson got to see it for the first time. It was funny yesterday cause he stepped outside and came back in shutting the door while coming upstairs running up to me 😂 my poor baby. Work was good but terrible since so many people called in cause of the snow or where they live, we did good but wished we had more people to help us tho but oh well. Part of me wishes I was back in Texas cause of their weather down cause I'm use to it. I hate the cold with a passion waking up in the morning while my throat is hurting and hard to swallow at times. I remember a few nights ago while sleeping I couldn't breathe for awhile after coughing, so I'm going to make a doctor appointment for myself to make sure I'm fully okay , winter is one of the beautiful seasons but also not at the same time. I realize during winter and fall while I was in high school I got all my work done and come cold hearted just a bit but spring time I start to lack off since I was born in spring. I know it's not me don't it feel like whatever season you was born on feel like the other seasons are your strongest and the season you was born in is your weakness? That happened to me a few times but it's okay with me. Last night u went outside to get the mail I almost slipped on ice it was so fucking cold out I hurried to the mail box and grabbed what I needed going back to the house. I showed my grandma my two rings I had gotten their very pretty, but  I'm almost happy to know the my childhood show the proud family is coming on Disney plus but even better. My favorite character will always be sugar mama she's very funny for me , I laugh so hard ,y stomach start to hurt hell I did that yesterday at work when my coworker made a dirty joke brought me down to my knees.

Well lastly warm guys where you are and have fun enjoy the weekend kitten out ✌🏾

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