Chapter 71: Soul

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Everyone has a soul, but there's more to that. Each person in this world has a slight darkness and beauty. I look in the mirror and see I'm not fully an angel nor full demon I'm both. I can be s

weet and kind to others, but when anger filled rage and rage I turn to a demon w+

ith beauty. Our souls has past lives and some how we manage to find the same person who we was with, I know I found mines and hoping to keep going on in the next life.  We have spirit animals mines is a wolf makes me feel strong and believe in myself also so much more, I know many peop1qazle have different type of souls in their lives. For me I'm the daughter of a war god and the underworld when I'm pissed so yeah my soul is dark for all the pain and suffering I've been through, but it turned more darker then before. Every pain and suffering or anything all of us been through it has a reason behind it. Dying is easy but living is harder, you know what's killing you from the inside out cause how your heart beat changed. Our hearts knows the truth and knows what we want before we realize it rather we like it or not. I believe that each and every one of us has a soul that never really gotten deep with just yet; it's almost like fate wrapping the red string on the end of finger to the other person and our fate has started. My fate has been messed up from the start, but once you meet that one person life will change forever, just like mines. I tasted what true love is like and that came from Matthew as you guys know I call him wolfy. Even before him I met Romeo in middle he was my middle school sweetheart and years passed when he moved... the day he moved was also the day he walked out of my life but never did I forget him okay I did forget him a little bit til we started talking again. Then it hit me Romeo will always be that person to me who been fated to me from the start. I never knew it until now, he's the ice to my fire when I get heated up, and it turns around I'm the fire to his cold heart. Some say fire and water don't mix that is true on some levels but most isn't not unless they know how to work together in harmony. Time has turned over the years many things has changed and some don't, not all people want things to change cause it's more better if some --*/things didn't change for others. As for me I want things to change and some don't it's more easy for me if things didn't change in my life, but I know things has to change every once in awhile in a life time.  I wonder how the future will hold with other peoples fates, some things are forbidden and not meant to be , some people think that their not meant to be together some are true or false. I've seen it so many times in my life watching other people being happy with the new person in their lives, being surrounded with the people you love makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. The soul you have can change everything or how you feel...It can make you turn to a different side you've never seen before, I know that happened to me once and I never thought a side of me will come out that way... makes me look scary and not myself but that side of wanted to taste blood and revenge not wanting to stop but at some point I had to before I send someone to the damn hospital and I don't want to do that. Last thing I need is for some family to be in face for their son/ daughter in the hospital but hey they asked for it so not my fault and not my problem. 

~time skip~

Okay so you guys can call me cupid since I paired my two friends together a few days ago but last night my soul turned bitter just at the slight knowing my best is going to be dating  my ex yeah not weird once so ever, it's the first time I felt bitter cause I dated that dragon for a year but also I was having a bad day yesterday so made that worse. I'm very happy for my friend her happiness is all I care about. It's a love square if you ask me, my best friend will be dating my ex but I'm dating her crush and I'm my ex's true love but we're all the fucking flying monkey cake balls does that work?? I'm not tripping about it but I found it funny picturing this the four of us going on a double date a black and a white couple yet all of us are friends and have interest in one another, I wonder how that would work.  Yesterday Luka known as Romeo my current lover said to me he never thought or I'm the type to date a white guy, I want to try new things and I only dated two white guys so far nothing more. In the end my fate is tied down with Luka and I just put my son in a that baby garble commercial well more like signed him up for it cause he's just so handsome and it needs to shared with the rest of the world not just strangers or workers when we go somewhere I think my son has the face to make everyone fall on his feet. To come think of it he already has well I would say about 50% fell on his feet just but most of them are girls my child kills them with his smile to the point his dimples comes out along with his two bottom teeth just so damn cute. I'm one lucky mom to have a son like him cause he gives me hugs when I'm in pain or said and gives me kisses just so cute even smiles at me so I can smile to when having a bad day. All this time I've been a good mom cause the things I've been doing I never really know I was doing it without realizing it once I'm told it just shocks me. Knowing that I'm doing a great job of taking care of my child and the fact he's healthy; when he laughs makes me want to laugh too. Oh yeah hopefully later on this while my sisters are in town we can go the boone county carnival I haven't been there since we moved to Texas and it's gonna be here for a week, I would die just go back there again and enjoy the rides and the foods. I read the news the foods and rides passed the health safety due to the covid. 

Time to chow down stay tooned later kitten out ^-^  

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