Chapter 61: New life

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Hello my fellow readers! I told you I'll tell you guys about my days in the hospital. So here we go... Last month near the very end of the week September  27 I got called into the hospital so the process can start. My mother stayed with me during those times; I was 40 weeks with my son who I named Tyson. I got to admit I was prepared for a few things but not everything that came my way, I did felt nervous and there was a few nurses that was nice and helpful some was a pain in my fucking ass -_-# . I can handle needles but moving them around in my skin to find my vain ouch that hurts a lot ; it mostly hurt on my right wrist since it was near my bone! I started to cry cause of the pain and I was having contractions a strong one. My nurse had to put a pill inside of me but she helped me calm down along with my mother since no one ever touched me down there but myself my body would tense up a lot , so she manage to get the pill in with me relaxed and boy did I had to use the bathroom a lot. The next day was okay just a different nurse and let me tell you she wasn't gentle with me at all; it hurted so much when she tried to check my cervix even when my mom tried to calm me down with music still didn't help my mind blocked it. Later on that day they switched me into a different room for me to have my son. They checked me for a long time almost like 5 hours , I was having strong contractions from my IV, I told my mother i felt something pop from within while she was working out than I told her I had to use the bathroom, *sighs* I got up from the bed and from two steps I felt something drip from under me god it was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life. I turned to look at my mother laughing a little bit but she laughed more than me and I told her to call the nurse , I shook my head cause my mother did her happy dance since all the liquid that was flowing out of me was my water. Yeah my water broke and it was a lot of it! I felt like it was one of the FairyTail episode in the tower of heaven when juvia and lucy did unison raid together and it was so much water...That's how I felt, so my nurse had to clean me up after that I couldn't take the pain anymore so I got the pain median it worked a lot my legs was numb. Good part was that when the nurses check my cervix  I don't tense up. Finally it was my due date to see if i give birth natural to my son but instead the worse thing I never it'll come to was surgery. I started to cry so much and very nervous about it. I knew it needs to be done, my mother and Kaleb tried to calm me down. I did a little bit but not much, they numbed me so I wouldn't feel any pain and I was awake for it as much I didn't want to but I'm glad that I didn't my mother was right by my side when started I was shivering so badly ; it was fucking cold in the room I wasn't the only female to get a surgery but in the end I groaned in pain seeing my son right there in that moment I was so happy that I didn't go through with the adoption and I knew in my heart I couldn't give him up. I held him a little bit while they stitched me back up I puked a little bit and they took me back to my room but a different on this time. I fully held him and started to breastfeed him as well. I was very sore and in a lot of pain afterwards, I had nurses to help me I finally got to eat dinner than started to walk again a little bit. My mother new I was very tired and so was my body carrying my son who is heavy but looks tiny as hell! The nurse took tyson to the nursery room for me to get better rest. Boy did I need it the next day I felt great but sore as fuck! I got to see my son again plus they gave pain meds from my surgery , both of my parents visited me  which was great my aunt checked up on me a lot. I was so happy to go home during this Halloween month they had one thing to do with my son and get us both released man did that take forever! I was already pissed off but I was happy to come back home and have home food again instead of the hospital don't get wrong it was good but it gets old quickly. The night I came back I pushed myself to much and I started to cry after my shower so my mother told me that she and my step dad will watch over tyson for the night I had the door open since it's our first night being at home and I don't want to be that far apart from him. My whole back felt sore but over night at home felt better, other than that I've been taking it easy and walked around my recovery is still kicking even now. So there you guys go I shared what happened to me at the hospital as much it makes me cringe. Anyways I can walk normal but still recovering just now my son just pass gas I looked at him crazy, it made my day this morning that he did the surper man while I was trying to change his diaper. It was the most cutest thing ever, I even tickled his sides and his dimples came out I only have one dimple on my right side and tyson has dimples on both sides of his cheeks, I can really tell he's going to be tall like his father but being a single mother isn't bad really this is my new life now. Just hopefully one day someone will accept me and my son equal and not treated different, I want someone who will love my son as their own. I fear that day will never come but who knows maybe it will. It just takes time I'll just wait and see what happens next

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