Chapter 52: Specail day

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Happy national girlfriends day ladies! It's a special day for us that our lovers give their attention and their love to us. I had to remind my bf few days before today. I sent him a few things from tic tok that hopefully he notice what I want from him some day but I guess he didn't get the hint of it; but it's okay. I had some things to do but not much *sighs* my parents are going on a date night and be home tomorrow that means baby sitting my sisters how fun. Shouldn't be to hard one sister is always playing games and the other watches TV like always so I'm good. Even tho it's a special day today I'm not to worried about it, cause I really don't care about national days I was happy for this day to be spoiled and what not but in the end I didn't care cause what's the point? I've been single all my life no guy gives two flying fucks at all about me in the past or even showed me love and attention that every girls needs, hell that goes for affection as well. I'm always like this my cold hearted side comes out not caring about the world, my past relationships always been one sided but it's okay it turned my heart cold. My sister and I are having pizza tonight which is fine by me; sometimes I feel like an old lady cause my joints and bones pop even when I'm sleeping hurts but feels nice. So now I'm gonna watch something on Netflix or whatever still not ever flying fucks bout the world, oh I sais something funny to my friend earlier bout our president I was dying of laughter I told her " did you see the news, that orange tan ass racist homophobic president of ours is banning tic tok" I had to say it 😂. We both needee that laughter

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