Chapter 3: Pass or fail

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( this is for the boys its a female version of it )

( girls this is for us male version it but oh well but lets get to the story shall we ^-^)

Matt's P.O.V. 

Fuck our honeymoon was amazing let me tell ya her moans and the way she claws my back felt so good i didn't want to stop fucking the hell out of her but she needed some rest i never she knew she was tight but it put me on the edge and she seemed very happy cause  i was the gate and i'm the key. God damn we moved in perfect harmony together i'm not letting her go without a fight this girl has so much i want to stay with her, before i realized it i was taking a journey with her. Every day and every step i'm taking journey learning more bout every second and i love it, every thing bout her everything she does makes me fall in love with her more. I was smiling last night cause we gave each other she liked the message i gave her and i liked what she gave me. In the message i gave i put a rose and she told me that roses are her favorite flowers so i kept in mind that every morning and night i will give her roses, i just love seeing her smile it brightens up my day. Later on that day she told me that she couldn't walk and i smirked and thought ' when we see each other your not gonna walk for a whole month i'll make sure of it'  i smirked more the thought of her moaning my name loud and only my name feeling her nails on my back her soft skin against mines damn i wish she was here. Oh well i'll find her some day since she lives in the US and in texas so it wouldn't be hard anyways. I'm loving her chocolate ass and i dont plan on stopping there.  She got me feeling like i dont know what but i like the feeling she giving me, she told that she draws and write poems and that night she shared one with me and i loved them i  think i wouldn't be bored if she writes poems for us not only that but we give each other songs to share how we feeling bout each other. Few weeks passed i was questioning bout our relationship and i drawled a picture for her like she did for me and i did but i throw it away.  Some how my best friend Letrice showed it to her and she copied it but different and she never gave up on me and in my heart  i knew she was the one that will be by my side forever through the ups and downs through the good and bad times. 

Titania's P.O.V

It been weeks since me and Matthew started dating i could't be more happy with him then anyone else. I drawled a picture for him and i put all the time and effort in it and i did it in one night. Then the next thing i knew he wanted to take a break and my heart was sinking and i dont know why but i wasn't giving up on him that same day his best friend Letrice texted me and told me everything that he was doing and what he said and i was getting worried bout him so me and him kept talking bout it for awhile and i was getting bit pissed off and getting worried bout him cause i told him that hes the first one that make me feel so many emotions and my true love and after i told him that talk with him we stayed together. His best friend notice that i'm a ride or die girl and i would do anything for Matthew hell i would beat someones ass or die for his ass. He means so much to me i can't picture my life without him , he's  everything i wanted in a guy , and he's all of those things that i ask for. Matthew really makes me happy and he made me truly smile and i never truly smiled like it cause its been a while, also hes the first guy to make me blush so badly. Hell even his corny jokes make me laugh some times and i make him laugh...I've been told that i'm funny and they was right i can make people laugh of what i say the look i have . *sighs* Anyways me and Matt are sticking together to the end cause if you didn't see it we both felt a connection between us and it was true love we was meant to be each others half, i was born to meet him and he born for me. I can't believe i found true love while i was in the dark for so many years. I was alone for a very long time and I've been hurt, played, toyed broken, abused by so many people they taken my kindness as weakness but soon those people will feel the wrath of me cause when i was little i was a she-devil i'm always getting in trouble  but then i changed over the years, that's when i realized that i'm kind but also I'm mean. Ever since i saw that movie Descendants i changed just a little then i watch monster high that changed me as well. I felt so different cause my personalty came from movies and i never knew it came out. Now i'm a teenage girl with a wolf soul, wolves are my favorite animals including dragons even though there long gone, but really i'm feisty and my boyfriend saw that in me. Fuck me over your ass is grass trust and believe Matthew and Letrice saw that in me cause if someone tries to piss me off even more when i'm already in a bad mood i will  snap but somehow Matthew is the only person that can calm me down and i for him. I stand in the dark and when it time to fight they will call me and i'll be ready to fight, i fight for a reason and Matthew is worth fighting for , he's part of my life now . I'm not giving him up without a fight and he feels that same way bout me.  I really fell deep in love with this boy and same with him. I guess we're meant to be after all right?

(this song is how Matt make Titania feel and how she make him feel when ^-^)

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