Chapter h43: Shocking

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Well its friday and I had to get my ass up and take a quick shower to smell nice. I dressed in comfy clothes and puts on my shoes while getting my backpack together and started up the car late but oh well i got my lunch which was steak and mash potatoes again but I forgot bout the steak sauce dammit! I was already in the car and we called my grandmother so we was on purpose way to the doctors appointment and I was laughing at my mom cause the gps didnt tell her to turn and we had to pay on our out. I was nervous since it was a hospital,  so I went inside than my mother didnt tell me they needed my id so I gave them my school ID and I went in did the altur sound hoping I miscarriage but looking at the screen that didnt happened seeing how fast I growed and it waved its arm at me and the shower mt other parts seeing it I'm 9 weeks and looking at the picture I cried so much and my mother comfort me I didnt want this to me real it was so small looked like peanut and the head is big. The nexr thing I knew was the doctor told me I had to strip naked I kept my shoes on and wear this half blue gown and layed a white paper thing, before I knew it  I was in pain feeling something go inside me and my mom held my hand it hurts like hell! Its like a needle going into your skin but in a different area 😑.

~time skip~

Well after I got my blood drawn and got pills for my puking when they took my blood they had four tubes its a lot so I told my mom I was overwhelmed and make an appointment with robin and christy for the next step. I told my good friend kaleb who is now my boyfriend😍 , love him and told him what happened , and I explained that he didnt ran away from me even if he wanted to but he stayed and I was still me rather I'm pregnant or not. So I kept it a secret from my mom and sister. I was so glad I didn't go to my first class and talked to my English teacher what happand showed her my new poem that I will show in the next chapter or so. Hours later I got home warmed up my lunch and watched shadow hunters while on the phone with my loving boyfriend, my step showed me his new shoes than it went to my pregnancy didnt like the facts bout the topic changing and I had to my boyfriend on mute he thought I was as if I know I'm quite so I told him that after they got done talking to me I was supposed to stay up all night with him but thst didn't happen my ass went to sleep and he knew that. But I wondered if I called him in the middle of the night when I'm having a anxiety attack from a night mare when I can't go back sleep that I have to ask him

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