Shoto x loner! Reader

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Shoto pov
I sat with Midoriya and Uraraka and watched as (y/n) sat alone playing on her phone. The only reason I know her name is from with aizawa calls attendance for class. Midoriya tried to talk to her but she just looked at him as he talked and when he walked away she seemed more at ease. Maybe she has a fear of talking to others, but I've never seen her smile for the 6 months we have been in school. At the festival she just walked not wanted to deal with the others." (Y/n)." We all looked over to see Aizawa and all might. She put her phone away and walked to them." Wonder what's going on." I said." It could be that she doesn't have any connections with anyone. In the hero job you need friends to have your back." Uraraka said I nodded to her answer.

Your POV
I walked watching Aizawa and all might. I pulled out my phone as we walked. One of my headphones was still in from when they called me. I pressed play on a voice mail I got before the school year started.

" hello sweetie! I know me and your father aren't doing so well but know I love you vary much good luck on your first day!"

I play that almost everyday. It's weird not to have her here. She wasn't my mother or step mother. My father was a hero and she was the woman I would go too if something happened to my father in the battle. My dad and her did date for a while but he broke it off with her.

" (y/n)." I looked up to see I stoped walking and then a few feet in front of me. I walked up quickly and they walked again. We turned to the classroom." Do you know why we called you here?" All might said in a teacher like tone. I shook my head." It's been almost 6 months and we've seen that you still don't socialize with the other students." Aizawa said to me." Let alone talk to the teachers."

I looked down my hand held my phone in my pocket. The same one that my dad made me call her and tell her I was a failure.

I was crying at the table my father was yelling at me for not choosing UA to be the high school I apply too. Telling me I was a failure to the family. He would yell and tell me to stop crying. That's when he called her on my phone. She picked up with her kind voice." Hi sweetie how are you doing."  Said to me. My dad yelled telling me to tell her I was a failure, I did and was crying whole time." (Y/n) listen to me, your in no way a failure. I'm calling someone to help okay." About 10 minutes later cops were at the door. The cops took me to her house since she couldn't drive.

" (y/n) are you listing to us?" All might said." You know, (y/n) do you even want to be here?" Aizawa said." No." I said to them." Then why did you take the exam?" All might said. I didn't answer and they both sighed." All right, we're gonna need to call your parent on file." My eyes widen." No!" I said scared." Sorry, (y/n) we gave you chance after chance." He said to me as Aizawa went for the phone. I was scared I don't want my dad to know! I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the room." (Y/n)!" All might yelled. I didn't look back I just kept running. Everyone is the same. All the same. I hid in a broom closet as I hear my name being called from the hall. I hid deeper in the closet. Soon the door opened." Why are you in here?" It was todoroki. He keeled down to me." Are you okay?" He asked weirdly. He kind of was in the same boat as me but he trust others I don't." Don't let them find me, please." I said to him it was the first person I made more then one word two in months. Then he hid me more with painters tarps and closed the door.

Shoto POV
I don't know why she said what she said but the fear in her eyes was real. I stayed by the room when I saw a man walking in pissed. All might went up to him." Where is she." He said in a nice tone that would fool anyone that didn't know it." She ran off we're still looking for her." All might said to him." I'm sorry about her ever since her godmother passsd away she's been acting weird." My eyes widen a little." And it doesn't really help and her grandfather as cancer." All might looked surprised." Have you gotten to get her a therapist?" He asked him." She can always talk to me. Anyway she saw a therapist after her mother and I spilt when she was young and it didn't help her." He was now walking with all might trying to find her.

Once they were gone. I opened the door to see her frozen." I'm gonna get midoriya. He's better at stuff like this." I said to her but she didn't reply. I walked back to the classroom. I saw midoriya talking with Iida. I walked up to them." Come with me." I said to him." Oh okay." He said with a smile. As we walked to the room she was in. All might and the man walked by again." I'll just stay in the teachers area she has to come out sometime right?" He said to him. All might nodded and greeted midoriya and I. I nodded to him and midoriya said hello back.

I waited for them to be gone then I opened the room door." (Y/n)?" I said and she uncovered herself." Sorry." She said not coming out from the hiding spot." So all might is looking for you?" Midoriya said." You don't have to be scared you know." He said with a kind smile." It's not all might." She mumbled. Then it hit." Your hiding from the man?" I asked. She nodded." There you are." We turned around to see Aizawa crossing his arms. Her fear in her eyes is something I didn't like." Aizawa." Midoriya started." Shut it. Come on." She slowly got out. Me and midoriya followed but we were walking in the other way all night did. We turned to a different teachers area.

Your POV
I was told to sit down. I kept looking at the door wondering when he come in." (Y/n)?" It was midoriya." Aizawa said something to you." I looked at him." You don't like your father knowing what's going on am I wrong." I started messing with my hands." No." I said to him." Has your father ever hit you?" I shook my head. He sighed." Then why are you so afraid of him?" He asked me. Just then the door opened to all might. My eyes widen and I froze." Your teachers have been telling me what has been going on. It's been 6 months (y/n) she wasn't even your real mother." He said to me. It sounded like a nice tone but I know what he does." I get it. I miss her too." He said to me making it more believable." You even wrapped endevors son in this little mess you cause. All Becasue you can't get over someone's death."
I looked down at my hands." Now if I ever have to come but to this school again. You are not gonna like it." He said his goodbyes too the teachers and left.

I started breathing heavy." (Y/n) do you live in the dorms?" Aizawa said to me. I looked up to him and shook my head." Well now you do." I got scared he said no to me living in the school dorms. I started to get more scared." So what's your quirk?" I hear randomly." Huh?" I tuned to todoroki." I-I can restore things." I said nervously." Oh cool! So kind of like healing or is it just on buildings?" Midoriya chimed in." Both." She said kind of looking down." (Y/n) well get your health records from your father, and we'll come up with something to tell him that your living in the dorms." All might said to her." I don't have any medical records besides my vaccines." She said to him." Shoto take her to see recovery girl."

As we walked it was really quite." Thank you." I said to him. He looked at me." For not telling them I was in that room and trying to hide me more." I said to him." Your welcome." He said back to me." Today's the first day i heard you speak." I said to her." Yeah. It's been a while." I said messing with my hands a little." You always look just annoyed to talk to people.  Never noticed it was becasue you were nervous." He said to me. I laughed a little." Yeah in my mind I just though people wouldn't like me." I said to him. He soon quite down and we walked but it wasn't weird it was nice. For once I didn't feel alone.

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