Shoto x reader

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Your POV
" (y/n) have you seen my hoodie?" Shoto asked walking in. He looked to me and he kind of glared." Really again." He said. The hoodie he was looking for was the said hoodie I had on." hi." I said waving my hand a little." Do you have any of your own hoodies?" He asked me sitting down next to me." I do. But yours are nicer." I smiled to him." Can I have mine back please." He asked me and I nodded giving it back. He put it on then looked at me." My shirt too." He said to me. I gave him a weird smiled." No I don't want it back now but I want it back and any other cloths you have." He told me." Todoroki that's not gonna happen." I looked over to see Mina. She leaned over the couch we were on." You to are dating now right." She said. Shoot kind of blushed and nodded." Yeah that means all of your cloths are free gain to her." She said pointing to me. I smirked to that comment as he looked to me." Just wait todoroki all of your cloths will end up in her room." Mina said leaving with a laugh.

5 months later
Shoto POV
I got used to her warring at lest one peace of my cloths and it honestly was cute. She was hanging out in my room and she had my night cloths on. I was lying on my bed and she was cuddled up to me." Mina was right." I said to her." Huh?" She asked me." When she said that you would wear all of my cloths." I said to her." Yup." She smiled hugging me." Why do you do that by the way. Take my cloths." I asked her." Because they smell like you and I feel like your closer to me." She said with her eyes close." Oh." I said to her. A few moments later I heard her snoring a little. I smiled and put my hand on her shoulder and soon feel asleep myself.

Sorry that its short it's just something I thought off and I wanted to wright it down 😊

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