present mic x pregnant reader

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I got my first request from YamixAngel. I hope you enjoy the story. 😊

Present mic POV
I woke up next to my wife of 5 year. Her head was in my chest and my arm was around her holding her close. I felt her move a little and I looked down to see her eyes open." Good morning." I said with a smile." Good morning." She said back to me but she didn't seam as excited." Are you alright? Did you not sleep well?" I asked her. She moved off my chest." I'm just tired." She told me." I'll go make you something to wake you up." I said with a smile." Thank you Hizashi." She smiled to me. I walked to the kitchen and tied my hair back. I thought back to (y/n) she honestly looked a little sick. I made some eggs and bacon. I walked back to see she wasn't in the bed."
(Y/n)?" I called for her. I sat the food down on the night stand. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door." Hay, (y/n) are you in there?" I said. I didn't get an answer so I slowly opened the door." Hay?" I peeked in the room. When I did I saw her sitting up against the wall near the toilet." Honey are you-" I walked in and I glanced to see Throw up in the toilet. I got on my knees in front of her." Honey are you okay?" I asked her worried, my quirk making my voice a little louder then I wanted." Please, Hizashi don't use your quirk." She said with a mumble. I helped her up and got her back to the bed." What's wrong?" I asked her." I just don't feel will. I'll be fine later." She told me." Are you sure?" I asked her and she nodded." Do you want me to stay here?" I asked her. She shook her head." Go to work I'll be fine." She half smiled to me." Okay, I'll call to check on you." I said kissing her head and I headed out of the house.

Your POV
I laid in bed slowly eating the breakfast Hizashi made. I turned on the TV and relaxed. Just then my phone went off. I looked to see it was midnight." Hay Hizashi said you were sick. You okay?" It said." I'm ok Nemuri. I'm relaxing now." I said to her. She stopped texting me and I watched the show that was on. Then 30 minutes later I got another Text from her." Hay you doing okay, Hizashi asked me to ask you." I  looked at it, but before I replied I went to use the bathroom. I came back to more text from hizashi now." Hay are you okay you didn't text nemuri back?" He said. I texted him back" I'm fine don't worry." I said to him.

A couple weeks have passed and I still didn't really feel well. I woke up early next to Hizashi and I found out why I woke up early. I ran to the bathroom and threw up again. " honey, I think we should get a pregnancy test."  I hear. I looked up to see a worried Hizashi. I thought about it and nodded to him." Okay, I'll go get one. Are you gonna be okay on your own?" He asked me and I nodded again. I heard him leave the house and I stopped throwing up. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. As I was drinking it Hizashi came back it."I'M HOME!" He yelled his quirk making me go deaf a little. I put my hands on my head. He walked in the kitchen and he handed me a box." Honestly I would mind being a father." He said with a smile. I looked up to him with a smile." I'll be back okay." I said getting up to the bathroom.
I opened the box and peed on the stick. I walked out with the stick." So are you?" He asked me." I don't know yet." I said to him." We have to wait 5 minutes." I added. Soon the test was done. Two little blue lines came up." Dose that mean yes?" He asked me with a smile. I nodded to him. Just then he hugged me out of nowhere." I have to tell everyone! I love you!" He said I didn't mind his quirk this time. I smiled to him and hugged back.

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