Android!shota x reader

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I been watching game play of detroit become human and I wanted to make a AU of, what if my hero academia had androids too! I hope you like it.

Your POV
I was walking around the big empty house, after people started to get fired from there jobs my roommate had to leave. I never needed a roommate to help pay bills. I just didn't like to be alone." Maybe I should get one of those androids everyone is talking about now." I asked my self. I pulled out my phone and looked it up. They told me to chose it and tell me what setting I wanted in it. I soon found one that seamed okay. He had long hair with tired looking eyes. I looked at the personality of the Android. Tired, angry but trustful and protective. I looked at who else had bought this one and no one has. I clicked order and it told me it would be there soon.

About 4 hours later I heard my door bell rang. I got up and answered it. He was a lot taller then I expected. He looked at me and said" hello my name is shota, the android sent by cypher life." He said to me." Um hello." I said to him." What are my orders." He asked me again. I laughed a little." Well honestly I don't have any. I just didn't want to be alone." I said to him." Oh okay." He said. I let him inside and he looked around. I walked to the kitchen and he followed me there." What are you making." He asked with a monotone." Well I'm making food." I said with a smile to him." You look like you will have trouble you want me to do it?" He asked me." Thanks but no." I said ignoring that insult." Why?" He asked me." Well what's the point of eating if you don't have fun making the food." I said to him. He looked at me weird and I saw the light on the side of his head turn yellow. " is that something new to you?" I asked him." Well yes, us androids at designed to do work so our owners don't have too." He said to me." Shota right?" I asked him and he nodded." Don't think of me as an owner okay, but more of a friend." I said to him as I was frying some chicken. I saw in the corner of my eye that the light turned yellow again." What is the yellow for?" I asked him." It's me taking in  things, how do you order an androids and not know." He said to me." I never had one before" I said looking at the food." Well this will be an experience for you and me." He said.

I had shota for a couple months now and he does pretty well honestly. I don't order him to do things so he can be his own person or Android? But that changed when we where walking back from the store." Hay you woman! Why do you have that thing with you!" It was a protester. And that thing he was talking about was shota." He's my friend why wouldn't I have him with me." I said to him with a smile I looked over to shota and I saw the light was yellow again." (F/n) you need to stop doing that." He said to me. Just then someone hit him with a wood plank." That's what you get for stealing our jobs." The man said to him." Hay!" I yelled." He did not steal your job! If you want a job go and get one! Many people have them!" I yelled and looking to shota. His light was now red what meant he thought he was in danger." What are you some android lover?" A woman said to me stepping close to me." I guess if caring for him makes me that." I said back to her. The girl went to attack but I saw that shota grabbed her arm." I will not let you harm my person."He said to her." Come on (f/n) we should be on our way." He said walking with me away from the people.

When we got farther away from the people I started to speak to him." Shota. Thank you." I said to him." That's what I'm made for to protect and serve." He said to me. I smiled to him and he smile back to me." Let's get home (f/n)."

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