Shoto x reader

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Your POV
I was walking around the mall, looking for a gift for my boyfriend. I was dating him for a year now and I wanted to get him something nice. I ended up getting him a cool looking pocket watch. The watch was clear so you could see all of the moving parts inside. The store keeper put it in a box for me then in a bag.

I walked to my boyfriends house to give him the gift but I stopped when I saw another girl walk out of his house and him kissing her goodbye. I messed with sleeve holding back tears. I turned and walked away from him and went back to my home.

" hello( l/n)." I looked over to see my neighbor." Hay todoroki." I said walking inside my house. I looked around for my parents and they weren't home yet. I went to the backyard and let my anger out on a tree we had back there. With my quirk I covered my hands with ice so when I did punch the tree it didn't hurt me. I went for a final punch and when I did blue and purple lighting followed my hand and putting a dent in the tree. " I bet if you practice more you would be able to punch right trough." I got scared and sent lighting in the way of the voice. I heard a body fall and I ran to the fence." I'm so sorry!" I said to the person and climbing the fence to see it was the two haired color todoroki that said hello to me earlier. His hair was kind of spiky now. He looked up to me with his two color eyes." Again with practice you can be a strong hero." He said rubbing his head." Well honestly I don't want to be a hero." I said to him. He looked surprised" really?" He asked me now sitting up." Yeah I honestly just want to be a teacher!" I said to him with a smile on my face. He laughed a little." I would never expected that from you." He said to me." Well what do you want to do?" I said to him." I want to be a hero." He said with a relaxed tone." Really? Like your dad right?" I asked him." No. Nothing like him." He said back to me." True, so you want to be better then him?" I asked him and he nodded." Well I think you can. I saw you at the sports festival. You did really good!" I said to him. Just then i heard my phone ring and i hopped off the fence." I'll talk to you later todoroki." I said walking to get the phone to only see it was your cheating boyfriend calling and I just left it ringing. I went to make me some food and the phone kept ringing. Soon I got annoyed and picked it up." Hay why haven't you been answering?" He asked me." Maybe because I saw you with another girl and don't give me that she's my friend because you kissed her." I said hanging up the phone. I took my shower and went on the back porch to look at the stars. That's when I saw a paper airplane come over the fence. I picked it up and saw writing on it." You want to hang out sometime, we been neighbors and we don't know anything about each other." It it said and it was signed Shoto todoroki. I smiled and sent a airplane back over which said." Sure I would like to know you better."

I kept the letter and walked upstairs to my room. As I got ready for bed I saw another airplane in my room." Is this your room? If so cool look out side." It said and I did to see him at the window. I waved to him and he nodded back to me. I wrote to him that I was going to bed and he nodded saying he does too.

I woke up to the sunshine coming in my room. The morning wind coming in the room. I got up and went to get dressed but as I did an airplane hit my head. I looked over to see a shirtless Shoto. My face got red and I hid down. I opened the letter and it said good morning. I looked back up to see he had a black shirt on. I closed my blinds and got dressed my self. I got a pieces of paper and wrote to him." What time do you want to hang out?" I asked him and flew it over to his room. I got a plain back and it read." 12? But don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked me." Not anymore. He cheated on me." I said to him." I don't know why. You seem pretty cool." He said back to me. It was like that until we hung out.

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