Bakugou x rabbit quirk! Reader

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" aww (y/n) your quirk is so cute!" Uraraka said with a smile. I was in my rabbit form that my quirk gives me. I can turn into a rabbit for moments at a time." Thank you." I said with a smile to her." How did you make it into hero corse." I hear bakugou mumble. I hopped down from my desk and hopped on bakugou's." What." He glared down at me." Letting you know I can hear you. And there are many reasons how I got in this class the same as everyone else." I said to him." I would kill you in a fight bunny." He said with a smirk." Oh really. I maybe got in the hero corse by getting mostly rescue points. But see me ever help you in a fight." I said going back to my human self. I still had my rabbit ears that were floppy and kind of blended in with my hair."  I looked at bakugou." Look, I know you don't like me. But get to know me and you might." I said to him holding out my hand." Tch your just like that damn deku." He said smacking my hand away.

We were training with our quirk and I transformed into my rabbit form and quickly dig a tunnels. When I was done I got in the middle of the area. Three fake villains came to me and that's when I stomped on the ground making me jump up a little. The villains fell in the hole and got crushed." Yeah!" I said with a big smile. I looked over to see bakugou looking at me. I hear another person behind me as I was in the air. I turned and kicked him down with the others. Then landing on my feet." Whop! Let's go!" I said with a smile." Good job (y/n). You don't have to transform to get the leg strength of a rabbit. But it still needs some work." Aizawa said to me. I nodded to him and kept working.

I was walking back to class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a boy." Hey." I said to him. He must be in a different class." So I heard you have a rabbit quirk right? Kind of like the Rabbit Hero, Mirko?" Her again. She is a great hero don't get me wrong. But I'm always compared to her. The only difference is I can change into a rabbit." I guess." I said with a smile." But unlike her your so." He looked to be thinking of a word." Soft? Maybe." I looked at the ground." Oi bunny. We have class." Bakugou said slapping the back of my back.

All class I was thinking. Why am I here. There is already a rabbit hero right. So why would the world want another. My hand soon stopped taking the notes." They don't need me." I said to my self as a mumble." Huh." I quickly looked  to the set next to me. Bakugou just looking at me." Aizawa can I use the bathroom." I said to him and he told me to go. I left the room and went on my phone as I walked. The head like was about the rabbit hero. I went to the comments and asked." What would happen if another rabbit type quirk person tried to also become a hero?" I posted it and the response what someone I expected.

" they would just be copying Mirko."
" I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be as a good hero as her!"

And everything else was like that. I turned into my rabbit form, dropping my phone in the hall. I walked out of the school and on the side walk." Mommy look a bunny!" A little girl said to me. I sat up against the wall my floppy ears kind of hiding my rabbit face." Hay little one." I looked up to see her. I quickly popped back into my human form." I'm sorry I'll go." I said quickly leaving." Now hold up." I turned slowly to her." What are you doing out of school." She said pointing to my uniform." Had a Realisation that I shouldn't be there." I said to her kind of looking down not wanting to look at the hero." Why. Talk as I bring you back." I sighed and started to walk with her." My quirk isn't that good to be honest. Like it's way to close to yours. So there's no room for me being a hero." I mumbled to her. Just then she hit me on the back of the head. She reminded me of bakugou for some reason but a little nicer." Look kid do you know how many people have a fire quirk that a hero. Or an earth type quirk. And your quirk is nothing like mine. Maybe the rabbit part yes but I can't change into a full ass rabbit!" She said to me as I walked back on campus." Just don't quit on yourself. Be your own hero. And I'll be waiting to hear about the UA student that has a rabbit quirk too." She said pushing me to the building. I started to walk back to the class when I got pulled in the office by all might for skipping. He said since it was my first time he will let it go but if he sees it again I would be in trouble.

Class was strait up over when I got back to the classroom." Look who Decided to come help us." Bakugou said to me. He walked up to me and pulled something from his pocket. It was my phone that I dropped in the hall." Look bunny. A lot of people are gonna need someone with a quirk like yours. You will be a good support hero at lest." He said giving me my phone. There was a sticky note on the back." Don't go running off. Talk to one of us first." Bakugou has put his number on it too.

After the cleaning was done I was about to head out before Izuku came up to me." Hay you want me and bakugou to walk you home today." Then he covered a little and whispered." Katchan wanted to ask you actually." Izuku said with a smile." Sure." I said to him as we began to walk. Izuku and him kind of fought a little on the way home." By the way bunny was this you." Bakugou said showing the comment that I had asked earlier that day." Yeah. I just wanted the opinion of the people. And if I should even keep trying to be a hero." I said not looking at the two walking with me." (Y/n) your quirk is so different then Mirko's!" Izuku tried to say with a smile." I know. I ran into her actually. She kind of gave me motivation." I said smiling." Anyway I still want to have a fight with you." Bakugou said to me." What about right now." I said to him. He smirked then make small explosions." Fine by me bunny." He said.

We got to an area we're we could practice quirks and stuff. We set some rules and went off at each other. Long story short he did will but not without some cuts from me." See." He said to me as Izuku was helping me clean up. Out of no where bakugou put his hand on my head." Your quirk is different then hers and the way you use it Is way different too." He removed his hand and started to walk away." I'm serious (y/n) talk to us when you feel that that again." Bakugou yelled back.

" he may not show it but he does care about you. I heard him talk about wanting to know you better." Izuku said with a laugh." Kind of like you said in class." He added. I took out the sticky note with his number on it.

~Years later~
" look it's the rabbit hero, bunny!" A man yelled up to me. There were villains all around and the hero's were in a pickle. Bakugou was with me and speed down. I did the same in my rabbit form. There were some scared kids that I went up to in the form and led them out. Then I went back to help Bakugou. I made the tunnels and popped out right behind a villain. I turned back into my human form and kicked him down. After about 30 minutes of fighting soon all the villains were captured." Good job bun." Bakugou said to me causing me to blush." You know not to say that I'm public." I glared at him." Will you stop I'm making sure people know we're together." He said back to me." Everyone already does know." I said back to him." Excuse me we need to get some reports on these villains." A voice said we both looked over to see Mirko." Oh yes ma'am!" I said with a smile." I've been hearing about you bunny." She said with a smirk." Good to know you sticked with becoming a hero." She said to me.

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