Shota aizawa x alone! Reader

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I watch as she would exclude her self from the other teacher and me when we talked. She would do her paperwork alone. Eat lunch alone. None of us really knew her personal life. If she had a family or anything. Hizashi and I were pretty good friends with her when she was in UA. She was out going but also kept to herself. But now it's just to herself. It happened about a year after we graduated. And I'm gonna find out why.

"(Y/n)" I called to her. She walked up to me and gave me a smile." What up shota." She said to me." You want to go drinking with me and hizashi tonight?" I asked her. She looked a little down then back at me." I really can't." She said. Again like all the other times no reason why." You sure." I asked her. Hizashi walked into the area we were in." Yeah. Have fun with your friend shota." She said to me." Yes but he's your friend too right." She looked a little down." Yeah." Just then Hizashi put his arm around her." Did shota invite you to drink with us tonight?" He said with a big smile vary loudly." He did." She said back to him." Well I have to see you then! It's been a while since we all got together!" He yelled." Quit yelling." Me and (y/n) said at the same time. Wish ended with her making a sigh noise." Fine." She said back.

That night we all met up. And it turns that
(y/n) was a vary heavy drinker. She was on her fourth cup of beer as compared to me and Hizashi one or two." Looks like you needed the drink!" Hizashi said with a smile. She sighed again." Yeah." She said. She was looking at her glass weirdly. Like she was thinking of something." Are you okay?" I asked her making Hizashi calm down a little. She gripped her glass. She hung her head (h/c) covering her face. Her shoulders were shaking like she was crying." (Y/n)" Hizashi said now worried. Just then it stopped. And she quickly wiped her face." Yeah I'm fine." She said." (Y/n) friend to friend can I ask you something." Hizashi said to her." What happened, a year after graduation is when you started acting like this. This is the first time we've all got together in 4 years." I didn't say anything Becasue I agreed with him. I wanted to know." Why do you care!" She yelled at him. She was a little tipsy so it didn't help." I tried to reach out to you guys Many times and got ignored." That statement took me back.

" so what agency are you going for!" Hizashi asked me." I might not. I might go the underground hero way." I said to him. My family and Hizashi family were there and letting me and him talk. I looked over to see her looking around. At the time I didn't think anything much about it." Hey shota." I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see her face. She was still in her graduation cap and gown. She graduated with honors so it was a different color then me and Hizashi's. She asked if I seen a woman and an older man. She said it was her mother and grandfather. But I said no. She smiled and stared to look around more.

About a month after graduation I got a text from her." You have time to talk." I was in the middle of training so I really couldn't. So I never replied, thinking she would get why I didn't. It happened a lot.

" you mean the you have time to talk text?" Hizashi asked. I looked at him. He got time too." Yeah I sent both of you them. And I got ignored by both." She said downing a Shot she had got herself." We were both training we really didn't have time." I said to her." You can shove it up your ass shota. Anytime you guys called I would answer." She yelled." Why did you need to talk." I asked her. She looked mad then sad. Damn, I can't remember when me and her had a full on conversation." My grandpa was diagnosed with canser. He was doing all good. Until I found him. Having a stoke. We took him to the hospital. And the doctors said the cancer went to different places. It went from the lungs to the liver to his bones. And they found traces of it in his brain." I vaguely remember her grandfather. I know he took care of her when she was younger. And that she would talk to him about everything." He die. Then my mom kicked me out. But now I'm good but I learned not to trust people. Becasue they will either die on you or stab you in the back." She got up." Thanks for the drink." I watched as she walked out of the place we at.

Me and hizashi looked at each other." You were one one closer to her in school. And you are the one who set this up." He said to me. I gave Hizashi the money for the drinks me and her had and went to go find her.

I looked around it wasn't to busy so finding her shouldn't be to bad right. Right? I looked and I saw her hair so I ran after her." (Y/n)." I said reaching out to her. She turned and I saw she was about to use her quirk so I stopped it." I'm sorry." I said to her. She looked at me weirdly." I don't say it often. But I'm truly sorry. I wasn't there when you needed a friend." She started to cry and this time she didn't hid it. I pulled her into a hug. I heard something come from her and not words. And then a wetness on my shirt." Sorry." She threw up on me. It wasn't the first time.

We were in high school in the training area. She over did it with her quirk. And honestly lost control. I had to use mine to stop her. She has an electric type quirk. I stopped and she looked tried as hell." You good?" I asked her going up to her. When I put my hand on her I got shocked a little. And she threw up on my shoes.

" it's not the first time." I smiled a little." I want to go home." She said to me." Give me the address and I can walk you." She gave me a vary sloppy address and I started to walk her there. I had her arm over my shoulder. And soon we made it to her apartment. I got her in to it and it was pretty bare. A tv on top of a small book shelf , a foton couch, and a folding table. I laid her couch and went to her kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and took out a water for her. I set it on the floor next to her. And went to go." Shota can you stay." She asked me. " and we're would I sleep." I said to her." I don't know." She said to me she looked really sad. I sat down next to her head leaning up on the couch." I'm just kidding." I said to her. Her head ended up on my shoulder and all I heard were light snores from her.

I soon fell asleep and when I woke up. I saw that she was out of the bed. I slowly got up to find her in the kitchen." Hey shota." She said to me handing me a paper plate with toast and an egg on it." Are you going to eat anything?" I asked her seeing she only made me food." I don't eat that often. Maybe like once a day." She said to me. I hold it out back to her." Eat then." I said to her. She set the food down." Thank you. For helping me back home." She said to me." By the way." She glared up to me." Tell anyone about last night. You or Hizashi I will hurt you." I laugh I only seen that face Once on her. It's better then that emotionless look she always had. Just then I was punched in the gut. " don't laugh at me." She said back." You have a good punch." I said getting my breath back." I'm serious shota. Last night if anyone else knew. It's embarrassing." I looked at her. " maybe that's why you feel alone all the time. When your really not. A lot of people care for you even if they didn't know you before like me and hizashi.

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