Mirio x sick! reader

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Your POV
I walked out of the hospital with my mother. Over the past month I've been going though chemotherapy since on one of my check ups they found a small tumor in my stomach and during these days I've been getting home schooled by her. In all honesty i was afraid to go back to class. Wondering what the others will say. I was in my last year of my hero corse in UA high and this had to happen now?

My quirk was a flame based quirk so naturally I became park of endeavors agency. I had to tell him I wouldn't be working for a while due to the medication I would beon.

My mother was happy since the doctor today said I was healthy enough to go back to school and she wanted to walk with me to UA to see if I had the same teachers or if I was put in different classes for the moment. I tied my bandana around my head an d we got closer to the school. My mom helped me out and we walked up. At this time classes were going on so no one was in the halls."(y/n)!" I quickly turned to see my friend. He ran up to me with a big smile." Where have you been! It's been a month since you been in school! Nijire and amajiki were worried!" He said to me." Just some stuff happened." I said back with a small smile." Come on (y/n)." My mother said." I'll catch up with you guys later?" I asked him and he nodded with a smile.

We got into the office and I saw nezu and one of my teachers. My mother and them were talking and soon they asked me a question." And your sure you don't want us to put you in a support class for now? Aren't you on chemo now?" Nezu asked." I want to keep with my hero studies and I won't get that in a support class." I said to him and he nodded." Since you kept up with your studies while you were out you can join next class." Nezu said. I smiled knowing I wouldn't be held back. Before I left nezu gave me a letter for the teacher and some other papers, I didn't think much of it he might have the time to go himself. I started to walk to the class room and I knocked on the door.

Mirio opened the door with a smile." Y/n!" He said going to hug me but I had to stop him since I still had stitches that haven't healed." Sorry." I said to him." No worries! Like the bandanna by the way!" He said pointing to his head. I smiled and walked in. I went up to the teacher and handed him the things nezu told me to give to him. No one knew why I left I tried to keep my personal life away from people. I just told endeavor that I have a medication I'm taking that's gonna prevent me from working. After school I was gonna go in and see if I could do some paper work.

After the first couple classes it was lunch time. Mirio walked up to me with a smile." You want to eat with me and the others?" He asked and I nodded with a smile.

We all got to our spot and sat down. Nijiri looked at me." Why did you cut all your hair?" She asked me not in a mean way." Thought I needed a new look!" I said to her with a smile." And I think it looks cool on you!" Mirio said with a smile and amajiki nodded as they talked I hear whispering and I looked over to the new first years. I also saw all might waking in with eraserhead.

The food on my plate untouched and I thought. Maybe I should say hello to my old teacher also meeting all might would be really cool." (Y/n) you okay?" Nijiri asked me. I nodded my head." I'm gonna be right back." I said to them getting up.

I walked over the the teachers area and knocked on the door. All might opened the door." Hello sir is Aizawa in?" I asked him. He shook his head." Sorry he's not, did you need something?" He asked me." I kind of wanted to talk to him about something." I said to all might." Will I'm a teacher too. I can help hopefully." I sighed and nodded.

We walk in to the office the other teachers most likely in lunch right now." So what is it?" He asked." I wanted to get Aizawa's advice on what I should do. I got really sick, and not even the person I'm working with knows yet." I said to him." Well are you sick now?" He asked back." Kind of, I'm still in recovery." I said to him." May I ask what it is?" He asked. I didn't want to say I had a tumor and don't know if it's gonna come back." I had stomach surgery." I said to him." Okay but what sickness? I understand you had a surgery." He said to me." I had a tumor and I'm still on chemo, will be for the next 6 months. I don't know if I should keep trying to be a hero or not." I said to him. He put a hand on my shoulder." If you really want to be a hero, you can still become one. Just let people know what's going on. I guess besides nezu you haven't told anyone about this huh." He said and I nodded." Having this type of treatment is hard on anyone. Find a friend to help you though it." He gave me in normal big smile." Thank you." I said with a smile back.

I walked back to the class. One of the classmates that would mess with me before came up to me." Look I'm not in the mood for it." I said to him." Oh come on now that you shaved your head you look like a boy anyway." I looked up to him annoyed." I look like a boy." I said to him Becasue I thought he would be more creative. He didn't say anything back." Anything else?" I asked." No then leave me alone."

I listened to the teacher as he talked. Mirio was writing something. Just then I felt a smack on the back of my head. Something so simple. I didn't think about it until I started coughing, I thought the coughing would go away. But it didn't. For a good minute I was coughing and soon I stoped.

I looked at my hand and saw small traces of blood." How are you still in the hero class if you can't even handle a slap." He said to me with a laugh."(y/n) are you okay?" Mirio asked me." I need to go to the nurse." I said to the teacher not realizing I raised my hand with the blood on it. I got up and went to go but I got dizzy and fell over.

Mirio pov
I saw the fear in her face when she quickly raised her hand. That's when I saw blood on it. My eyes widen at it. She asked to go to the nurse but when she got up I quickly got to catch her before she hit the ground. The guy that slapped her not knowing what to do. I take her to the nurse, she wasn't this light before. I carried her a couple times before.

I go into recovery girl." Mirio what's wrong?" She asked." It's (y/n) she coughed up blood." I said scared as I laid her on the bed." And she's way to light! She didn't eat anything at lunch!" I said scared." It's okay." She told me." How is that okay!" I said. " she hasn't told you yet." She asked me. I looked at her confused." She was gone for a month since she had a tumor. And now she's going though chemo." Recovery girl said. I looked at her." Is that why she shaved her hair?" I asked knowing chemo will make your hair fall out." Where am I." I hear her mumble."(y/n)!" I turned to her." Woah Mirio that's a face I'm not used to seeing." She said to me. I started to cry." Why didn't you tell us?" I said to her." About the tumor?" She asked back." No about your grades, yes about your tumor!" I said to her." It's personal life, and I consider work and school life different." She said to me. I looked at her sad." So you haven't told anyone, not even endeavor?" I said to her." I haven't been to the office since I got the tumor removed." I put my hand on my head." You were gone! For a month fighting this alone!" I said to her still upset." I wasn't alone Mirio I had my mother. Like I said I want to keep my personal life away from people." She said to me I could tell she was getting annoyed." Maybe I want to know more about your personal life. Me, Nijiri and amajiki are all your friends." I said to her." And yet you guys didn't know I had a tumor. If you guys were my friends you wouldn't have waited for me to come back to school to ask what happened."

" you had a tumor?" I looked over to see Nijiri and amajiki. Nijiri looked to be crying." We heard what happened. You passing out." Nijiri walked over." And for the record no one here has your number to contact you." She said I could tell she was mad. (Y/n) didn't speak." Mirio is to stubborn to say this but-" I tried to cut her off but she kept going." He asked for you almost everyday. Even went to the teachers  to ask and they didn't even know. He even went to endeavor!" She said to her. The look in her eyes sadness then tears were falling from her eyes. And the tears weren't stopping. Nijiri hugged her, and she cried harder. Like she hasn't had the time to make since of everything going on. Nijiri looked up to me. I hugged them both. And I didn't think it could happen but I could feel the stress she gave off.

After she was crying she apologized to the others. She looked at me her eyes red." I'm sorry mirio, I should have told you." She said to me." It's okay. I understand your in the biggest hero school and you didn't want to seem weak to others Huh." I said with a light smile." You hit the nail right on the head." She laughed to me.

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