Tomura shigaraki x reader

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I was walking around town. It was a pretty normal day honestly. Besides all of the looks I get from others it was pretty good. Tomura was wearing his normal black hoodie and i was wearing a white one. I wanted to take Tomura out, not on a date or anything. Just on this day two years ago I joined the league of villains. I wanted to show him that I'm grateful that he was in my life. " hay shi you want to get some food?" I asked him calling him by the nickname I gave him. He looked at me then sighed." Sure, I can go for something to eat." As we walked over to the little street food stand.

I got the food and walked over to where Tomura was sitting. " here you go." I said with a smile." Thanks." He said back to me taking the food. I sat next to him and started talking about random things. I looked over passed Tomura and saw two heroes. I quickly put my hand on Tomura and used my quirk to make us invisible. We watch as the heroes went by and when they left I made us reappear." Sorry should had told you about them." I said to him." I kind of guessed you had a reason to put your hand on me." He said looking in the way of the heroes. " no one would willingly put there hand on me any way." I hear him mumble. I looked over to him." Shi are you okay?" I saw him nod." You know that kind of reminded me on how we first met." I said trying to Chang the topic.

I was walking back home from school. I was my last year and I didn't know what do do with my life. People told me to become a support hero, but I never wanted to do that. I sighed as I contended to walk. " after him! That's Shigaraki!" I hear. I turned to see a guy running to me. I quickly asked if he was okay. He looked at me with a glare." There you are." I looked to see two heroes. He quickly grabbed me." One more step and she dies." He said his hand around my neck. I turned Invisible." Shit where did he go." The heroes said looking around. I grabbed his arm." I would kindly ask for you to take your and off my neck." He slowly did." I don't know what you did but we're invisible to them now. We'll wait until there gone and I'll let go." I told him. He slowly nodded to me." Walk with me." I told him as we walked away from the heroes. Soon we were away from them and I let go of him." Thank you." He said to me. His light blue hair covering is red eyes a little." No problem, I don't like it when heroes are being like that honestly." I said to him." So you like villains?" He asked me." Yeah, but I could never be one." I smile to him." How come." He stated." I don't think I could kill someone." I said to him." You don't have to kill to be a villain." He said to me." I'm the league of villain leader. I would like it if you would join. You can be the person who gets us out of situations." He told me. I looked at him wide eyes." So what do you say." He said to me." Sure." I said with a smile.

I just looked down thinking of that day. Ever since my life wasn't one of a killer but one of a person that helps the killers. Yes I'm wanted too but so far I had never got caught by any of the heroes." I'm happy for that day. I never know I would get so attached to you (y/n)" I looked at him and he turned to me with a soft smile." Your a good villain." He said." Well all I do is help you guys escape." I said scratching the back of my neck." Yeah with out you we would most likely be in jail by now." He said to me. Soon he finished his food and I did mine. We were on the way back to the hide out when I felt that someone was following us. I quickly turned to see that eraser head guy. I knew now I couldn't use my quirk." I'm surprised to see the leader of the league of villains on a stupid date." He said getting his Capture weapon ready. I grabbed Shigaraki and started to run. He was running with me and I could hear eraser head behind us." You won't get a way this time invisible." I looked back to see he was ready to use his weapon." Shit, shit, shit." I said running trying to find a place where he can't see us and I can use my quirk." Shi run the other way. If I get caught I want you to escape." I said to him."that's not happening( y/n)." He looked at me." Shi! Go the other way it's my job to get you to escape!" I yelled at him. He sighed and ran the other way. I heard eraserhead behind me. Just then I felt his weapon around my wrist. I quickly looked down. I grabbed the cloth but then another on went around my arms and torso. I soon lost my balance and fell hard to the ground." Now that we have you getting the others will be easy." He said putting his foot on my back." No it won't. You think we put our escapes on one person." I glared up at him. He pressed his foot harder in my back. Soon I heard police sirens and lights.

I woke up in a jail cell. With other villains around me. One looked over to me." Your that invisible chick." He said to me. I looked at him and nodded." How did you get put in here." He said with a laugh." Helping one of the other member escape." I glared at him." If your so good at escapes make us escape." He laughed." I can't do that. I need a clear way out and I'm in a cell." I said to him." Invisible." I looked up. The cop took me out of the room an into a interrogation room. I was handcuffed to the table.

I sat there waiting for the person to come in. Soon the door opened to none other. All might. I turned away and looked at the middle of the table." Where are they." He said. I laughed a little." Nice now say , where's Rachel." I could tell I was making him annoyed." How old are you invisible." He asked me." It's rude to ask a lady her age." I said back." But I'm 19." I said to him." You know why we took you in." He asked." No clue. I really don't do anything bad." I said to him." Nothing bad?!" He said." You help the league of villains kill others." He said." Not really, I just help them escape." I said. He glared at me. He slammed his hand on the table making me jump a little." You help them escape then they kill more!" He yelled." Where are they hiding. If you tell us your sentence will be shorten." He said to me." That's not happening." I said back to him. He glared at me." You know all might. You don't scare me." I told him." I should scare you." He said back to me.

" you want to know something all might." I said saying his name like venom from my teeth." I am the reasoning of the team. I talk them down of things that I know they can't get out of." I glared at him." Now that I'm in here. They will get a lot worse." All mights eyes widen." What are they planning!" He yelled.

Shigaraki pov
I was tapping the counter." We need to get her out." I said to Kurogiri." I don't know where she is." He had told me." Shigaraki is right though, she helps us escape everything." Dabi said to him." Okay I'll look around to see if I could find her." He said to us.

About a week later Kurogiri found where they were holding her." Let me get her." I glared. He nodded and made the worm hole to where she is at. I was in a cell and I saw her in the corner. Her (c/h) was a mess and she looked tired.
" (Y/n)!" I said going up to her. Kurogiri's worm hole was still in the cell. She was too weak to stand and I picked her up making sure my full hand didn't hit her." Hay!" I looked over to see a hero. I glared running though the worm hole.

" thank you Shi." She said her hand was holding my hoodie." Come on let's get you something to eat." I said to her sitting her in a chair." Are you okay (y/n)?" I hear toga ask her." Yeah I'm good." I hear her say. I go and make her some food and I come back to Dabi and toga talking to her." You know Shigaraki was really worried for you." Toga said with a smile." Honestly he may not admit it but he was." Kurogiri added in. I stayed kind of Hidden listened to there conversation." He likes you (y/n). A lot more then he shows off." Dabi said. I felt a little blush on my face. I walked out with her food." Here." I said handing her the food." Thank you again." She smiled to me. I started stretching my neck a little." Your welcome." I said sitting at the bar." It's good to have you back." I said to her." So Shigaraki don't be so dense, you missed her so much." Toga said hugging me." Get off of me." I glared to her. I glazed over to see (y/n) eating  her food." Hay Dabi come play with me!" Toga said to him. For some reason he agreed too and they both left the room. Leaving me, (y/n), and Kurogiri. I saw (y/n) weakly walking up to the bar. I quickly got up to help her." You shouldn't be walking. I don't know what they did to you but you don't look good at all." I told her." Shi I'm fine." She said with a smile." Kurogiri can I get a water please." He nodded to her and gave her the water. She soon finished her drink." I'm gonna go to sleep." She said. She started to walk away and I followed her.

I followed her intel she made it to her room. I turned back around then I felt something in my head telling me to go up to her. I walked to her room and knocked on the door and opened it."(y/n)?" I called walking up to her bed." Hum" I hear her say." I'm sorry I got you captured." I said to her. She sat up and looked at me." It wasn't your fault shi." She said to me." It kind of is." I said back to her. Just then I was hugged by her." I got captured but you came and got me out. That's all that maters." She pulled a way for a moment." And between you and me, I knew you would." She hugged me again and I hugged her back.

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