Hawks x stressed! Reader

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" hay kid." I looked up to see my friend. He calls me kid even though we're the same age. I quickly put what I had in my hand in my jacket before he could see." Hay hawks" I smiled to him getting up from where I was sitting." So what was my little one doing before I got here?" He smiled to me." Nothing really." I said to him with a smile." Well come on! We need to start this date right!" He said happily. I watched as he looked so relaxed. How does he do it. Me being the number 10 hero, just barely making it is stressful as hell. And he's the number 2 hero! We started our date and honestly it was the most relaxed I felt in weeks. Just being with him takes my stress away.

It was now 11 at night and he was dropping me off at home." I love you." He said with a cute little smile. I gave him a kiss and said it back to him." Do you have flavor cap stick on?" He said. I thought and I remembered that not long ago I had used one of my stress relievers that I never told him about." Yeah." I said to him to make him believe it." Well it's nice." He said to me giving me another kiss." See you tomorrow?" He asked me and I nodded to him." I love you songbird." He said to me." I love you too." I said with a smile back.

I closed the door being me when he left and the reality of stress hits me. I go to my fridge and pull out a bottle of fruity beer. I never bugged keigo about my stress. I tried to talk to him once and it didn't turn out like i planed. We had a pretty big fight after.

~ 6 month ago~

it was a hell of a day. for me and keigo both. that night me and him went on our date that we had planed before. we were at my house when it happened. " keigo can i talk with you." i asked him he looked over to me worried." were not braking up are we?" he asked in a kind of weird tone." no keigo, I want to tell you about something thats going on." i said to him and he nodded his head. i explained to him how i was feeling stress and somewhat depressed. I just became the number 10 hero." Im sorry but I dont know what to say." he said looking at me like he was kind of annoyed. " could you at least not look annoyed." i said tear threating to fall from my eyes." Im not annoyed (Y/N)." he said to me." its all over your face keigo!" i said to him with a kind of yell. we started yelling at each other for a while. then he said something that almost made me want to end our newly started relationship." don't you ever think i maybe stressed! being the number 2 hero isnt cupcakes and rainbows! out of everyone you have it easy!"

~ present day~

the vapers came out of my mouth in a cloud. I wanted to talk to keigo about what has been going on but i didnt want another fight. yes i would talk to him about some stuff that was going on but not everything. The stress made me start vaping nicotine. It was a temporary relive." so that's what that taste was." I quickly looked over. keigo never knew i started this habit. The cloud dispersed in the air around us. He sat down beside me." tell me when did you start that." he asked me." about 6 months ago." he then looked at the beer that was on the table that was almost gone. He sighed," damn i never wanted you to start that too." i was confused." too?" I questioned." what do you think i do to destress." he looked at me. I sighed and laid back. I took another breath of the vape." you know we should really talk with each other about our stress." he said," i kind of got afraid to tell you because of-" he cut me off." the fight right. honestly some. can I?" he asked and i handed him my vape. he made his own cloud." shit." He said. The air was thick." You don't need to be afraid to talk to me about your stress. Back then, the fight. We were both just getting used to each other. Getting to know that we weren't alone anymore." Keigo said to me. Before I dated him I was signal for a good 4 almost 5 years. So I was vary independent and he, he never let anyone know what was going on in his mind." Mind if I spend the night." He looked over to me." We've been dating a year. And you've slept over before." I said with a little laugh." Yeah I know." He said with his own little laugh.

Soon me and him were watching some tv on the couch. I was on his chest a little and his wing around me a little." You make me feel relaxed." I mumbled out fighting sleep. He pulled me closer to his chest." Then relax and get some sleep."

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