Danki kaminari x water quirk! reader

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This was a request from a person who messaged me not to long ago I hope you like it.
Your POV
" you know there are to many water quirk hero's right. Coming to this school is already hard enough." Nezu said to me." Sir I can be a stealth hero." I said. I was in UA high school office trying to ask to take the exams." I guess I can put you in but I can't promise a spot in the hero classes." I smiled at what he said." Thank you so much!" I said to him." The exam is in 4 months." He said and I nodded walking out of the office. I was so happy. I was walking in the halls out of the building when a bell rang. Soon students flooded out of rooms." Kaminari it's cool you can now control your lightning a little bit more now." I turned quickly to the name and I just saw one of my old friends. He was a year older then me but when we were younger we were like two pees in a pod." Denki!" I said with a smile to him." He turned to me and he smiled but it wasn't a welcoming smile. Me and denki stopped talking for a while. I even forgot he told me he was coming to UA. I walked up to him he was with a guy with red hair and a guy with pineapple looking hair." How have you been." I said to him." Uh good what about you?" It was more in a awkward tone but maybe he just surprised to see me here." I'm good. I just applied to take the exam for the classes next year." I said to him with a smile." Oh that's cool." Just then the red haired guy spoke up" hey sorry, we're gonna be late to class soon. But good luck on the exam." He said with a toothy grin." Oh right I'm sorry." I scratch the back of my neck." I'll see you around right denki?" I asked him." Yeah." He said turning away.

Soon it was the exam day I ran into the battle zone and started using my water quirk. Soon I couldn't find anymore robots and I only had 19 points. I knew I couldn't get to the other side that fast so I turned myself into water and went in the water pipes. I popped out where there were a lot of robots and on the end I got 45 points. I was honestly proud of myself.

A few weeks later I found out I was accepted to the school and that I would be moved into the dorms on campus. I packed my stuff and headed to the campus." Nice to see you again mis (y/n)." I smiled to him." Now go settle in your dorm." I nodded and went away. I soon get to the dorm and started unpacking my stuff.

I stopped for a moment to go out to one of the cafes around the school. I walked in to see other students. One boy with green hair and another with two colored hair and the last one was a girl with brown hair. I went up to the counter and ordered a cheesecake and a black coffee. They told me to sit and they would bring out my food. I sat alone at a table waiting for my food." Hay don't sit over there alone!" I turned to see the girl." Oh um I." I started to stutter." Just get over here." The one with two color hair said. I got up and walked over." My name is Uraraka. And that's midoriya and that todoroki. We're second year at UA." She said to me." Nice to met you guys I'm (y/n) I'll be starting soon at UA." I said to her." Oooooh what is your quirk?" She said with a smile." I can make water." As I made some water." Oh your that girl that got 45 points with just a simple water quirk?" Midoriya asked. I nodded to him. The lady came out with my coffee and food. I ate and talked with the three.

" yo midoriya!" Midoriya looked over and I did too. I saw the red haired guy and denki again. I smiled as they walked up to us." Oh hay your that girl! Did you make it in?" The red haired boy asked and I nodded." Good job!" He said to me." Yeah good job (y/n)." Denki said to me." Thanks." I smiled to them. Denki and the other guy sat down with us. Denki sat next to me. I got nervous, ever since I talked with him that crush that I had on him came back. I drinks some of my coffee." Since when did you drink black coffee?" I looked over to see Denki with a kind of smirk on his face." For a while now." I said to him." Wait you two know each other?" Midoriya asked. I'm surprised he didn't ask earlier." Yeah me and (y/n) go way back. We even grew up in the same neighborhood." He said to them. He seams happier now. That's good when I first saw him again I thought he forgot about me or even didn't like me." That's really cool!" Uraraka said with a smile." Did you guys train with each other?" The red haired boy asked." Yes actually. But after a while we had to stop." Denki said. He was right we thought since water makes electricity stronger we would be a good team. Until we hurt a lot of people and I got most of the blame for it." I get it since water is a good conductor." Todoroki said. Honestly I thought he didn't talk. " yeah, but we ended up hurting a couple people. So I had to move away." I said to them rubbing the back of my neck." That sucks and my guessing your just meting back up with him?" Red hairs boy asked." Yup, Uh by the way what is your name?" I asked him." It's Kirishima." He smiled. We kept talking for a while until the door to the cafe opened quickly." This is a robbery everyone put your money on the tables and no one will get hurt." The guy said I could feel everyone at that table glare. I could see Midoriya thinking of a way to stop him with out other people getting hurt." You six at that table put your money on the table!" He yelled. They all did which surprised me." You too girly." He glared."(y/n) just do it, you'll get your money back." Denki said to me whispering the last part." Do what the blond said girl." He said walking up to me." I don't have any on me." I said to him. It all happened to fast but the man grabbed my arm and Denki quickly turned electrocuting him." What the hell." I heard I looked over to see a second guy. I should have known. But this guy was different." You UA students don't try anything. I know what your quirks are which means I can cancel them." He said looking to us. Kirishima went up to punch him but he stepped away. I didn't want to use my quirk yet becasue if he found out he could cancel it too. As Kirishima was trying to fight the guy denki soon joined him. Which helped a little bit but not much." (Y/n) your new he doesn't know your quirk yet. You can easily end this now." Midoriya whispered. " if you gain enough water you can trap him in a water bubble." I sighed a water bubble." I don't need it." I said to him." (Y/n) listen to Midoriya he is a good plan maker." Todoroki said to me. I rolled my eyes and turned into water. I went under the floor and traveled so I was under the fight. I came up from the ground and grabbed him. Denki got is quirk back and shocked the guy. But he also shocked me too. I turned back to water so it wouldn't hurt as bad but now I had electricity running through my body. Both the villains were soon caught by the others and I was yelled at because I didn't have my hero license yet. " hay (y/n) good job!" Kirishima said with a smile." It's weird you can turn your whole body to water." Midoriya said with a weird smile." Nice work like when we were younger." Denki said to me. I saw he was about to put his hand on my head and I backed up." Uh?" He said weirdly. " i would not touch me right now." I said to him." Why? You don't like it " He asked with a laugh and he patted my head anyway. He soon started getting shocked by the electricity that was still in me. Soon it stopped and he was acting stupid now." I'm sorry. I should have told you." I said to him. Midoriya laughed. " I can't wait to see you around (y/n)." He said as he guided Denki out.

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