Dabi x hero! Reader part 1

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Your POV
" look (y/n) I get it you want to see them live but a lot of villains might be there and you can get hurt!" One of my friends said to me." Oh come on it's just a concert. Anyway I have a hero costume on every time I go out so if there is some villains there they won't know me. Also, I can maybe find out more on the league of villains." I said to them. She looked at me with worry in her face." At lease tell toshinori where your going so incase things go south." She said talking about me and her teacher friend." Fine I will." I said with a smile.

I walked listening to the band I was going to see in a few days. Yeah I found out they play underground concerts a lot, but there a really good band. I walked into the school my friend taught at." Hello miss
(y/n)" I turned to see the principal of the school." Hay nezu." I said with a smile." I just came to talk to Toshinori. Where is he right now?" I asked and he told me. I walked to the teachers area and knocked on the door. It slid open to Aizawa." Oh hey (y/n)." He said to me." Hey sleepy boy." I said with a laugh as I walked in." (Y/n) how are you?" Toshinori came up to me." I'm good, I came here Becasue my friend wanted me to tell you that I was going to a concert. She was just worried about me Becasue she thinks villains might show up." I explained to him and he nodded." What band is I for villains to maybe to show up?" Aizawa asked." Ghost!" I said with a smile. There faces turned." No way in hell. You know that a band villains normally go and see! Hell I heard there lead singer is a villain!" Toshinori said worried now." I can handle myself you know." I said annoyed." Thank you for telling me. What day is it I'll check up on you." He said to me." I get it. I'll tell you." I said and I gave him the date.

Today was the day!" I can't wait!" I said to myself as I got ready. I had on normal cloths on and my bag. I started walking to the place and a ticket person what there." Your pretty cute Bebe." He said to me."Yeah thanks just let me in." I said and he did.

I was walking around the smoke filled room. I saw some people talking before the show and some people drinking. I was walking when in hit someone on accident. I turned to the guy." I'm sorry." I said over the other people talking." It's fine." He said his voice a little raspy but nice. I looked up to him and my eyes widen. That's Dabi. Every hero knows him. He burns people alive!" What's a person like you doing in a place like this." He said. I guess he didn't know who I was so I went with it. Get some information for the heroes right. " well I really like the band and I wanted to see them live!" I said with an excited smile. I heard him laugh a little." Wouldn't expect a girl like you to like them." He said." I've listen to them for about a year now. Not long honestly I know." I said to him." Does it matter. You like the band and wanted to see them live." He said to me." Yeah but a lot of my friends didn't want me going. They all said a lot of villain will be here." I said to him with a weird smile." I'm talking a lot aren't I. I'm sorry." I said to him. Don't get to close to him (y/n) you know what he is." Eh your fine. I deal with a person younger then you a lot. Who is way more annoying." He said to me." Is it like a little sister or something?" I asked him." Yeah you can say that." He said to me. Just then the band went on stage and started off with the song ' year zero'. I started cheering with the other people. I notice Dabi was looking at me. I was singing most of the songs and I think I heard Dabi one or twice. When we're not fighting he seems like a nice guy. One of my favorite songs soon then started to play. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the music.' He is' was one of the first songs I heard and that's what made me fall in love with them.

Soon the show was over and everyone started to leave. " you didn't come here with anyone?" I looked to see Dabi next to me." No, no one wanted go with me." I said I got a buzz on my phone. I looked down to see my friends name." How was the show?" She asked and I texted her back and put my phone away." I have a feeling people think your music taste is weird." He said to me. He want wrong. I listened to a lot of metal and no one want to go to the shows Becasue of well. People like him show up too. " I have a question." He asked me. I looked up to him." Yeah go ahead." I said with a smile." Why is a hero like you doing here." My eyes widen and my heart dropped." How. How did you know." I said standing back a little." The league of villains keeps tags on all the heroes." He said getting closer." What is surprising is, there were a lot of low life villains at that show. Why didn't you take any in." He said to me." Becasue they weren't doing anything wrong." I said to him. Kind of messing with my hand." Huh?" He said weirdly." Well the reason I'm not in the top ten is when I'm out of work. I don't catch villains. And if the villain is just a "low life" I don't turn them in." I said to him." Not everyone is perfect and I understand why there are villains in the world." I added to the conversation." Your a weird girl." He said to me." I get that a lot." I said with a smile scratching the back of my neck." Tell you what girly." He said to me." I understand when your in your hero costume you can't. But out of it, come to the nothing more concert with me." He said to me." Huh?" I said confused. I know the band but is he an villain asking me a hero on a date." Um sure!" I said with a smile." Cool see you later hero." He said walking away." The names (y/n)!" I yelled to him. I hear a small laugh from him.

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