Dabi x viliain! Reader

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" twice. Dabi. I need you to find this girl." Shigaraki said to us. He showed us a picture of another up and coming villain. No one knows her quirk but she had stopped and killed 5 heroes so far. Three male heroes and two female. It's honestly rare to find a female villain this active on killing. But that's one of the many reasons I guess Shigaraki wants her to join the league." On it!( fuck off)" twice said to him.

" where are we even going to find her." I said to twice. He shrugged his shoulders." I don't know but handy man never gave us a time limit." He had a point. Twice made me a clone so it can go around to see if it can find any clues. But I guess it got attacked Becasue It didn't come back." Who the hell are you." We hear a voice say. I turned to see the girl. She had pretty normal cloths on. Black t shirt, blue jeans and some boots. " well." She said walking up to us. Then I saw she was on the short side." We were looking for you.( yeah Shorty)" twice said." I'll ignore that." She said to twice." This is my area. Why are you here." She said to us." Isn't it obvious." I said to her." We need to speak with you doll face." She looked at me. Her arms crossed." Well." She said." How would you feel to join the league of villains." I said to her. She then Proceeded to look at me like I was nuts." That one villain group, that got beat by the heroes and there leader is in jail." She said. Twice sucked I'm through his teeth making a shh noice." You got us there.( your a Feisty one)" she started to walk passed us." Thanks for the offer but no." She said to us." What.( come on we need more bebes like you.)" twice said. She turned and was walking backward." I just don't want to be in a sausage party." She said and turning back around.

We went back to base and told Shigaraki what had happened. So he told toga to go with me to show to her it wasn't all males. The next day me and taga went to the area " Ooooo were getting another female to the group?" Toga said with a smile as she slipped by me." Trying." I said back to her." You fake heroes think you can catch me." I heard. Toga was the first to run up to the voice. I saw her pinning a hero down a knife in there shoulder. Me and toga stayed out of it for a moment to see what would happen." You, will go down." The hero said to her in pain. " yeah. I don't think so." Just then flames went around her whole body and screams but then there were different screams. Some one had hit her off the hero. All I heard was a loud smack. Toga wanted to come out put I held her back. She stood up with a wobble." God damn." She said whipping some blood from her face. The fire wasn't around her anymore. She pulled out a knife and got into a fighting stance." Tell me this, why are you just killing heroes." The new person said." Becasue I know, you heroes only save people you guys think that need to be saved." She said to them. She started to run up to him. Why not use her fire that is weird. She sliced the persons arm making them bleed. Then she punched them in the nose. But the hero used there quirk and pinned her down. Then flames went around her again but not as big as before." Huh." I said to myself. But the hero didn't get off.

" you used your quirk more then once." They said in pain." You won't be able to use it again." They added." Your gonna go to jail." They went to there phone. " let's go." I said walking out. Toga was next to me. Toga threw one of her knifes and hit them in the shoulder. They got off and she got up." Tch. Why are you here again." She glared at me." Hi! My name is toga!" Toga said existed. She looked at toga like she crazy." Hey. (Y/n)." She said to her." Guys." I butted in. Toga looked and I pointed to the hero. We all looked, man the look on the heroes face. It was pure' I'm fucked' face. They were right to be worried.

After we killed the hero we all walked off to a different area." So your the girl Shigaraki wants to join?" She said putting her finger on her face." I guess." (Y/n) said back to her. She sighed" fine. You guys did help me out today." She said to us." Yay!" Toga said with a smile jumping up and down." By the way what is your quirk? I know is a flame based quirk but it looked like a one and done quirk." I asked her." Like you in the bedroom!" Toga said with a laugh. I heard a small laugh from (y/n)." Well, my quirk is combustion. I can combust my body one every 20 to 30 minutes. If I try before then it's a weak burst." She explained. " you will fit in the league just fine!" Toga said to her.

~ four month later~

Me, toga and (y/n) became a team pretty much. Sometimes twice would come with us and sometimes it would be just me and (y/n). Today it was a me and (y/n) day. She got more like able over the months. Honestly she was really cute before but now that I know her more." So who you want to burn." She said with a smile to me." You mean who do I want to burn." I said to her. She got this angry look." Making that look will make me like you more." I said hitting her head a little." Dabi why do you do that." She said to me." Do what doll." I said to her with a smirk." That!" She said." You mostly burn ladies Becasue you sweet talk them. And you try to do it to girls in the league." She said to me." Not in the league Only to you. And my victims." I said to her. She glared at me but we got off the topic.

After we were done. We came back to base with some cash and some food. She was at the bar talking to Kurogiri." Dabi( stop staring at her!)" twice said to me. I got back to the conversation with me and him." You like her don't you?" Twice asked." Yeah." I said to him." (Ask her out!)" he said with a twitch. Twice just sneezed." Man this pollen suck.( fuck this!)." Just then I heard another sneeze and an explosion. We all looked over to see (y/n) combusted when she sneezed. I started to laugh." Oh my god you too!" I laughed." Shut up!" She yelled back. She had an embarrassed look on her face. " come with me I'll get you an allergy pill." I said getting up." Bring me one too! (Make your move!)" twice said.

We were in the kitchen." What did twice say by make your move?" She asked me. I got nervous and I gave her the pill." It was cute by the way." I said to her." What?" She asked." That sneeze explosion." I laughed." Shut up!" She yelled another combustion happened but it was a weak one." God Your so cute." I said with a mumble. She looked mad now."
What's up?" I asked her." Why do you do that." She asked me." Flirt with me. When you don't like me." She said." I like you doll." She quickly looked up to me a small burst happened too." Met me I'm my room a little later alright." I said walking passed her.

I got back to twice and gave him the allergy pill." You make your move?( you better have)." He said to me. I nodded to him." Good for you!( we better not hear shit!)"

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