Shota aizawa x dying! Reader

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Shota POV
" I'll see you later Aizawa!" Hizashi yelled to me( hizashi is present mic's real name). I nodded to him to let him know I heard him, but who didn't hear him. I finished off some grading and turned on my phone. Not even a second it was on I saw phone calls, messages and voicemails from (f/n). I read the messages to see what was going on.

Shota I think I'm being followed. Weird huh.

Okay, now I'm getting a little creeped out. Please call me back.

The last text scared me the most. Which was sent to me not even 15 minutes ago.

Shota. I'm scared the man hasn't stopped following me. I didn't want to go home because I was afraid he would hurt me. Please I'm scared. I'm really scared.
She sent me a location

I didn't even bother getting my stuff together. I tried to call her but she didn't answer. Toshinori came in from the bathroom asking what was going on." You remember (f/n) right?" I asked him calling her again." Yeah she's your girlfriend for like 3 years now right." He asked me." 4 and she sent me some weird texted and now she's not picking up her phone." I said a little panicked. " go see if she's okay. I'll finish here." He told me. I ran out of the building so fast and to the location she sent me.

"(F/N!)" I yelled her name. Just then Shigaraki came out his his hand on her head. One finger up so he didn't kill her." My. My. I guess it's game over for you eraser." He said to me. I went to grab my scarf but he put the last finger close to her head." I wouldn't do that if I were you. Unless you want your little girlfriend to died." He said to me with a laugh. I looked to (f/n) she looked so scared." Let her go." I glared to him." Let me think about" he said to me. He went to put the last finger and I activated my quirk and Capture tool. I quickly got him away from her and slammed him against a wall. I wrapped the scarf around him so he couldn't move. I looked at (f/n) who looked to be in pain now. I helped her sit up and I saw that the top of her head was decaying. I activated my quirk so the decaying would stop. Toshinori soon came in and didn't ask any questions before called for recovery girl. I looked at her and as she was in my arms she was trembling."I'm sorry (f/n) I should have came sooner." I said to her." Shota did I ever tell you how hot you were when your quirk was activated?" She asked me." My head really hurt." She added." Hold on recovery girl is on her way." I told her. I kept looking at her until I saw recovery girl kiss her on the head. After that she passed out." Is she gonna be okay." I asked her. She looked at me sad." She doesn't have much time to live. Yes you were able to stop the decay from spreading but the damaged parts in her brain will kill her with in a month or two." She said. I heard laughing I looked up to see Shigaraki." You should have came eraser. When I walked up to her she was going on and on about how you will show up." I got up and walked over to him and punched him in the face." Keep your mouth shut!" I yelled to him.

The next days I saw a difference in her. She would not respond well to things and forget to do things. We were cooking one nice and she forgot how to start the oven" It's okay, I got it." I told her with a smile. Out of nowhere I heard sniffing. I looked up to her crying." (F/n) what's wrong?" I asked her." I'm dying aren't i." She asked me." ( f/n)." I said to her. I didn't want to tell her that she was because I know she would be depressed about it." I saw the files Shota!" She yelled crying." Yes. I'm sorry. And it's my fault." I said my voice cracking a little." You called at texted. And I didn't see them when you need me." I said to her grabbing her into a hug." But how ever long you have left. I'll be here. I won't leave your side And if you want you can come to my work with me so I can be with you." I said to her. Buy now my shoulder was wet from her tears." I love you (f/n)." I said to her." I love you too." She said back to me.

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