Villain! Shoto x shy! Reader

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Your POV
I saw him. I never thought he would go to the villains. His flames were around him as be stood by one of the other villains, his name was dabi." Shoto! Why!" Midoriya yelled tears were in his eyes. I was in the back of the group of three." Why?" He said back to us. I was to scared to confront him and I can't really do anything." I want to kill the people who hurt me." He said to us." But Shoto we never hurt you! We were friends!" Ida yelled to him." Remember the stain fight! How you helped me!" He added." Yeah! We all worked together well!" Midoriya said along with Ida. By now I was crying a little." Shoto what about ( l/n)." Uraraka said to him." That's right. Isn't( l/n) your closes friend. Hell you asked her to be your girlfriend right!" Midoriya yelled. His two colored eyes looked to me." Tch she was just a person my mother wanted me to hang out with and she just kept following me. I don't really like her that much." He said with cold eyes. My eyes widen, I felt a pain in my chest. So that's why he never wanted to hang out. That's why he never texted first. Now my tears stopped." Woah bro, I would have kept the lie going. She is cute." Dabi said with a smirk."(l/n)." Uraraka came up to me holding out her hand. I pushed her away. Right now all I felt was anger. I thought he was my friend. I thought he was my boyfriend. I thought he loved me!" FUCK YOU!" I yelled to him making the others turned to me." Why hang out with me then!" I yelled not knowing the wind was picking up and lighting was sparking." WHY FOR 5YEARS MAKE ME THINK YOU CARE ABOUT ME!" I yelled. I walked up to him grabbing his shirt." WHY MAKE ME YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled at him. By now the wind was a Hurricane speed. Lighting was striking every which way." (F/n)!" I hear Midoriya yell through the wind. I felt tears roll down my eyes and I let go of his shirt. Just then I was hit, not by Shoto but dabi. I hit a wall."(F/N)!" They all yelled. The wind calmed down and the lighting soon went away.

Shoto pov
I looked over to her. It hurt to see her that way. Even though she was annoying. Always following me and making me do things. It did hurt to see dabi had hit her." Your no better then your father, Shoto." I hear her say. My eyes widen." What did you say." I glared my fire was wild now. She weakly stood up." Your. No. Better. Then. Your. Father." She said looking hurt. I walked up to her and Midoriya ran in front of her." Leave her alone!" He said to me. I grabbed his head and pushed him away to the ground. As he tried to get up I glared down to him." Get back up I will kill you." I said. He backed up a little on the ground." How am I like him." I said to her. She looked vary scared now and she wouldn't speak." HOW AM I LIKE HIM!" I yelled to her." You're manipulative and even to the people who care about you, you hurt them." She said back to me." For the longest time you didn't use your flames because you hated your father, but when you started using them. You became just like the person you hated." She said to me. I backed away for a moment. My flames were out as I thought about what she had said to me. I looked up to her with a glare. My flames going back around me." You have no right!" I yelled to her walking back to her." Shoto. I'm He one who helped you when you came to my house with blood coming from your eye. Even though I didn't know it was you. I think I know you better then you do." She said to me. My head was full of things." Shut up!" I yelled to her." Have you forgotten your mother." She said to me." All tonight I haven't seen you use her power." She said to me." Honestly I thought the ice you had was pretty." She added. I couldn't think straight anymore. Out of nowhere the warping villain came and took me and dabi to a different place.

I leaned up against the wall thinking. Did I make the right decision. Did I actually like her and I just didn't know it. I put my hands to my head and screamed.

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