Bakugou x ghost! Reader

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The reader has a ghost quirk in this story. Like she can use paranormal stuff like grabbing pushing. Kind of like Danny phantom Mets elfin lied in a way.

Young bakugou pov
" I have the coolest quirk!" I said as I made small explosions in my hands. Stupid deku was also watching me. I looked up to see a girl that was also looking at me. She was one of deku's friends that would come with him when he was with me." ha I have a quirk and you guys don't!" Deku and his friend looked said. But then the girl raised her hand a little." I have a quirk." She said." Woah (y/n) when did it show!" Deku said happily. I glared at her." Yeah what is it I bet not as cool as mine!" I said with a smirk. " I can see ghost." She said to me she was looking at the ground." Ha that's it!" I laughed at her." Well no." She said quietly. I saw she was kind of going transparent." You have ghost powers! That's a really rare quirk!" Stupid Deku said." Midoriya is right (y/n)." The teacher rubbed her head." You and bakugou will make good hero's one day." I glared at her." That shy weakling! I will be a better hero then her!" I yelled pointing at her.

~skip to middle school years~
I was in competition with her. Ever since her stupid ghost quirk came in. As we got older her powers became stronger. She didn't really even train." Man (y/n) has a pretty could quirk huh." One of my friend said." If you speak about her around me you are dying." I glared making sparks." Well you an her should have a fight see who has a better quirk!" My other friend said. I smirked and looked at her she was with a group of friends. She looked shy and telling them she didn't want to use her quirk." You know what guys your gonna get your fight." I got up and walked up to her." Hay don't start a fight with her." It was Deku he never got a quirk." And what are you going to do quirkless." I glared at him." Get out of my why." I pushed him." Hay!" I said stomping up to her." Oh hay bakugou." She said in a shy voice. Every time I even approach her she starts to go transparent. And every-now and then fully invisible. I grabbed her shoulder." Oh no you don't." I said." If I did anything I'm sorry." She said scared." You me fight right here right now." But bakugou I don't wa-." I cut her off "you always say that and then you go showing your quirk off!" I yelled at her. " stop she said she didn't want to fight you." One of her friends said trying to pull my hand off of her." No I want to know who's quirk is better right here right now!" I said making big explosions in my hand. Just then I was pushed back by something. When i looked up I saw nothing. And her looking kind of scared." F-Fine. If you want to fight we can fight just not in school." She said walking away.

After school me and her met up in the field. Deku was with her and my friends with me. " you don't have to do this y/n." Deku said to her. She shook her head and looked at me." Are you ready!" I yelled and she nodded. I blasted to her but then I felt something push me back and then grab my leg. I was flying to her but it felt like I was getting pulled. Just then I was punched in the face. Pretty hard too. I took the advantage as I was close and made an explosion right near her face. She squeaked In pain then turned invisible." That wont work on me." I blazed up some dust so when the dust moves I could see where she was at. I saw a form but then I saw what I didn't before. She had hands coming from her back. Maybe 4 or 5. So that's how she pulled and pushed me earlier. " you two stop it right now!" It was a voice. The dust was blown away and there stood all might. Everyone but me and (y/n)." Why are you kids fighting huh?" He walked up to me." He wanted to see who had a stronger quirk." My friend snitched. I looked over to see Deku with (y/n) now with a red mark on her face." Does it hurt." Deku asked her." No im good. All might walked up to the two Deku started freaking out." Now I will let this slide but if I see another fight while I'm in this town it won't be good." He said we all said yes sir to him.

~at UA~
After that fight with me and (y/n) had that fight it me and her had a weird relationship. If someone would say she would be a weak hero I later would threaten them. She wasn't in the hero classes she got scared during the exam. But she got in the support classes.

I was walking with Kirishima and denki they were being idiots again." Oh it's the scared ghost girl." I hear someone say. I looked over to see it was that copy guy from class 1B." Let me copy your quirk I'm pretty sure I'll be able to use it better." I walked up slowly." Leave me alone please." I hear her say. " why you gonna use your quirk." He smirked. "I would listen to her." I glared walking up." Bakugou?" She said weirdly." I would back off. Before you have to deal with me." He looked at me then left." You don't have to do that." She said to me." Some one has to save your ass." I said not looking at her." Thanks." She said weirdly. I walked away from her." Yo bakugou what was that?" Kirishima asked me." Me and her have a long history that all." I said to him my hands in my pockets." You never stick up for anyone." He said with a smirk." Shut up." I glared back.

Soon the sports festival was coming up. I was training and I saw that (y/n) was too. And when the festival started she was going really good. With Icy hot froze the ground she used her ghost hand things and launched herself over it. And when we where doing the second part she went invisible and took many peoples headbands. Then at the fight it was me against her.

" been a while since we fought huh." She said. I forgot to mention after that fight we had. She got less quite. Still a scaredy cat for the most part. But she was also tough. I mean she wouldn't be this far in the games if she wasn't. " yeah. You better put up a good on now." Just then she turned invisible and I blew up some dust so I could see her movement like back then. I saw the ghost arm things again. There where more this time. I was grabbed and I blasted the arm. When I touched the ground I made another blast to launched to her. One of the hands came to grab me but I dogged it. I then grabbed her shirt and tried to drag her with me but she then became invisible and I fell on my ass. The fight when on for a while. The area completely messed up. I could tell she was going to fall soon though. I went for one more attack and she tried to counter it but just then she fell. Honestly time lowed down.

I was with recovery girl before my next match." I've never seen you so worried about some one you fought." She said to me." Shut up." I glared. She soon left and I was with her alone." It's surprising to see you here." I hear her say." Might as well make sure your okay. Your one of the only people I kind of like." I said to her." Is that a compliment." She laughed a little. I glared at her." You don't scare me bakugou." She said." Stop it with the bakugou shit by the way. Just call me Katsuki." I said to her." Oh first name base now." She laughed a little." We've know each other for a long time. It's understandable for you to call me Katsuki." I saw her smile." Thanks." She said." Huh?" She looked to me." You don't think I don't see you help me out if I get teased." I turned away my face getting red." Well you won't do it." I said to her. I looked to see her smiling." Do you maybe want to go eat at a cafe after you win the games." She said to me." Damn right I'm gonna win!" I said being cocky." So yes also to the cafe?" She asked." Sure." I said to her with a smile.

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