Shota aizawa x joyful! Reader

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Your POV
" Aizawa!" I said skipping to him. He looked annoyed for a moment." Hello,( l/n)." He said rolling his eyes." So did you get the kids grades in?" You asked him with a smile." No, unlike you I'm a heroics teacher. It's not all paper work." He said and we walked to the school." Well if you need help Im here!" I turned to him." I don't need it." He said with a monotone." Your always such a buzz kill!" I said to him." I know." He glared. I opened the door and walked in, Aizawa grabbed it after me." Hay, (l/n). Hay, Aizawa." I turned to see Toshinori." Hello, Toshi!" I said with a smile. He laughed a little." Joyful as always (l/n)." He said with a smile back to me." Yup!" I said with a little hop. I hear Aizawa tch a little." Come on Aizawa. Smile more!" I said to him. He turned and started to walk to the teachers lounge.

" he's just stressed, today his class is going to the USJ." Toshinori said to me." Well he needs to lessen that stress honestly." I said to him." I'll see you guys later." I smiled walking to my class.

My class was in the middle of a test when midnight came in my room."(l/n)! Come with us!" She said worried. I got up and went to her." What's up, midnight?" I asked her with a smile, we were walking really fast. We left the building and I see all of the pro-heroes. Now I knew something was up." What's going on?" I asked still a smile on my face." Mis( l/n) we need you teleport us to the USJ." Present mic said." Uh sure." I said to them and touched all of them. Soon we were in front of the USJ." What's going on?" I asked again but I got ignored and the heroes kicked the door down. I followed and saw the facility was filled with villains. I see some of the kids cheer. I looked around and I saw three students carrying a person. I looked and I saw it was Aizawa. I pushed through the the heroes." Aizawa!" I yelled my smile was gone." (L/n) stay back!" Some of the heroes said, but it was to late I teleported to the students and Aizawa." Who are you." The one with her tough slightly out saying." I'm just here to help." I smiled to them. I tapped all of them and teleported them to the entrance." Thank you ma'ma." The boy with green hair said. I nodded to him with a smile. I looked out to see a couple students still out there. Just then a hand was on my shoulder. I looked up to see midnight." We got this. Take Aizawa to the hospital." She said to me. I lifted Aizawa and nodded then teleported.

I was in recovery girls room."(L/n), whats going on." She said quickly walking up to us." There was attack on the USJ. All of the heroes are fighting! Aizawa is hurt." I said it wasn't making much sense but she knew. She told me to put him on the bed and I did." You need to leave the room." She told me. I nodded and left. I was sitting on one of the chairs my leg shaking." Mis(l/n)?" I looked up to see the police." Y-yes?" I said with a light smile." We would like to ask you some questions. Is it okay?" He asked me." Um sure, but all I did was get the heroes there and mister Aizawa to the hospital." I said to them." Yes, I understand. But did you see any of the villains." He asked." No, I'm sorry." I said to him." Here." He said handing me a card." If you remember anything call me. Or when mister Aizawa wakes up." I nodded to him and he left.

It has been 4 hours and I'm still not allowed to see him. I was scared. Soon recovery girl came out." (L/n) go home. Aizawa is fine but still could go down hill." She told me." Is it okay if I come in the room now?" I asked her with a slight smile. She nodded slowly. I go in and what I saw made me was to cry. He was hooked up to wires and a breathing mask." Do you sill want to stay?" She asked me and I nodded sitting down," I'll be back to check on him later." She told me leaving.

I spent the night there. The night turned in to a week. Midnight came in and told me to go home and rest but I gave her a smile and told her I was fine.

It was another day I was in the hospital. I was eating some gross hospital food and just hopping he would wake up. Just then I heard a grown." Aizawa!" I said with a smile." Why are you here." He sounded annoyed." I'm just here. I'll get the nurse." I smiled to him.

Aizawa pov
I feel awful. I hear the nurse walk in." Hello mister Aizawa how are you feeling." She asked me." Like shit." I said back to her in a monotone." It's a good thing your girlfriend came and told us you were awake." She laughed." Girlfriend?" I said annoyed." Oh woman isn't your girlfriend?" She asked me." No She is not." I said back. She laughed again." Well she cares for you sir. She was the one that brought you in and she wouldn't leave." The nurse laughed." Really." I said to her." Yes, for a moment though she wouldn't eat." She said with a sad look. Soon she was finished with the test and she left. I hear the door open again." Hello!" The joyful voice filled the room. I saw her sitting down. I turned my head to see her." Your eating now right." I asked her. She looked shocked by this and then she nodded. Then I saw her smile was gone and I saw tears in her eyes." I thought you died." She said." I thought that conversation we had that morning would be our last." The tears were falling now." I'm still here. So some making that face. I'm used to your joyful look not this." I said to her. She looked at me." I fell in love with that joyful face and seeing you cry is not something I want to see." I said. She wiped away her tears and smiled a little ,I smiled back to her and leaned back." That is what I want to wake up too."

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