Bakugou x ice quirk! Reader

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This was requested @AllisonTart! Happy Valentine's Day/ late Valentine's Day to everyone! I hope you like it!

Your POV
I breathed in slowly to calm my nerves. I held the chocolate I made the night before in my hand. They were simple but nice." (Y/n)." It was my pink friend Mina. I jumped at the sudden sound." You have chocolate! Who is it for!" She said to me smiling. I wasn't as expressive as her and honestly don't know how I got in the group of her, bakugo and the other. " oh I bet there for Kirishima huh!" She said. I didn't speak." Oi pinky if she doesn't want to tell you she doesn't have to tell you." I looked over to see bakugou." Come on we're gonna be late for class."

I sat with the others the chocolate now in my bag. I saw Shoto had a lot of chocolates with him and it's not surprising." Looks like bakugou is the only one with out chocolates this year." Kirishima laugh." Shut it Shitty hair! I don't even like chocolate. It's too sweet." I looked down kind of sad. Well I guess I should give him them then. He won't eat them anyway." (Y/n) why you look so sad?" I looked over to Mina. Did a come here movement with my hand." This morning the chocolate was for bakugou." I said to her. She almost screamed out but she stopped her self gaining the look of a couple people. She whispered back to me." And your said Becasue he said he doesn't like chocolate huh." She said to me and I nodded." Well let me try one, maybe they aren't too sweet." I nodded pulling out one of the broken ones when I was making the shapes. It was dark chocolate with white chocolate on top. The white chocolate was marbled with pink. " aww these are so cute!" She smiled to me. She took a bite and her face went from happy to slight pain." What did you put in these." She said to me." Chocolate and chile powder." I said to her." That's what that was. I would say they aren't sweet." She said to me." I put to much Chile powder in Huh." I said eating one. I thought they were fine. With my quirk making my body naturally cold I like hot things." He may like them though." She smiled to me." Really!" I said a little loud. And she nodded that smile still on.

It was now lunch time, and I made the choice to give him the chocolates now. With a little help of Mina though.

I was standing by the classroom door waiting for bakugou. My nerves making me not hear him coming." Oi. Racon eyes told me to met you. You alright?" He said to me." Yup." I said to him. It's now or never." Um so I know you don't like chocolate. And you don't have to take them if you don't want them. And I don't know why-" he cut me off." As long as you didn't poison them or something I'll take them." He said to me. My face was red as I handed him the little box." Mina told me you may like them but if you don't it's okay." I said to him. He took a bite of one. " I don't know how but you made chocolate spicy. Weird." He said looking down at the box." I'm sorry." I said a little less nervous." (Y/n) you know I like spicy things right." He looked up at me." Really you too!" I said with a smile to him. He laughed a little. Then smirked." I guess I got to get you something now huh?" He said to me.

" oh no you don't have too." I said to him." Well next month is white day." He looked to be ignoring me." Bakugou please you don't have too." I tried to say again." (Y/n) stop." He said to me." Thank you for the chocolate." He said patting my head a little.

Bakugous pov
I walked back to where the other guys were. One of the chocolates in my mouth." Woah dude a girl gave you chocolate? Who?" Kirishima asked." Yeah and I thought you didn't like stuff like that." Denki added." It was (y/n) and there spicy not sweet." I glared." No way! Ice girl. The one who is so shy around others gave you. A hot headed man." He laughed a little." Can I try one?" Kirishima asked and I let him have one. He bit down and his face went to concern." Okay yeah." He said. " what." I said to him.

After school we walked back to the dorms. I went to try to find (y/n) to learn how she made the spicy chocolate. I saw her she had so many layers of cloths on. Then it clicked, I know what to get her for white day!

For the weekend I went back home and helped around the house." Why are you being so helpful." My mom said to me. I didn't say anything." It's for a girl huh?" My mom said and my face got red." Sit down." She said. I did and she started talking." So what are you wanting to get her." She asked me." A new winter hat a mittens." I said with a mumble." It's not even winter though." She said to me." Her quirk is an ice type so she always has warm cloths on." I said to her. She sighed with a smile. Then pulled some money for me. I looked at her weird." Take it before I change my mind. And you better bring her home some time."

I took the money and walked to the mall. I picked up a nice hat and mittens that would match her. I gave the lady the money and walked back to the house.

Not to long later white day came around. Before then me and (y/n) did get closer and honestly it was nice. She showed me what she could do with her ice and we would train together too. I came into school with a nicely wrapped box for her." (Y/n)." I said she looked up and smiled." What's up?" She asked." Come with me." I said and she followed." Told you I would get you something for white day." I said to her holding out the box." And I told you not too." She said to me." Just open it." And she did. Her eyes widen with glee. She put on the hat and mittens." Thank you!" She said with a cute smile. I used my hand to kind of cover my face and looked away." Your welcome."

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