Young! tomura shigaraki x reader

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Your pov
"What are we gonna do with him." Dabi said as toga held the hand of a scared 5 year old tomura. I squatted down to his height. His black hair was a mess." I will take care of him until the quirk effects run off." I said then I turned to him. And smiled." Would you like that little tomu." His little face lit up." Yes!" He said with a smile. He came up to me with a smile. " wait what about his quirk (y/n)" kurogiri said worried. I picked him up and he wrapped his arms around me." Remember my quirk cancels others when there in a radius around me." I said with a smile. I brought him up to his room. " mis (y/n) can you play hero's with me!" He said with a smile. I held my chest of how cute he was being." Yes. Yes I can." I said to him. He took one of his jackets and made a cape." Im here to save you!" He said coming out. I played with him for a while and soon he got tired.

We laid on the bed and he was close to me. I was able to get little gloves on him for his quirk not to decay everything." I like this dream. Daddy's not in it. You played hero with me unlike him." He said quietly holding onto me." Huh?" I questioned not really knowing about his past. Then I saw he was asleep. I wonder what he meant by that. Soon I feel asleep.

The next day Tomura was jumping around with a happy look. He saw that I was up and he turned to me." Can we go out side today!" He said with a smile. I smiled back to him and nodded. What made this child turn to a villain. I got him ready and I put him on my back and he wrapped his hand around me to stay on. I walked down told Kurogiri were I was going and he nodded. " mis (y/n) I like you!" He said as I was walking down the street. I smiled to him.

Soon we got to this shopping center that had puppies you could pet." You want to pet some puppies tomu?" I asked him he looked scared for a moment." Don't worry the gloves you have on stops your quirk." I said to him setting him down. There was a corgi that ran up to him and at first he got scared so I sat with him. He soon went to pet the dog and he was happy that his quirk didn't do anything. I smiled as I watch him play with the dogs." Deku look puppies!" I turned quickly. To see two brats Tomura hates." Aww there so cute." The girl said with a smile. Luckily I was just a base lady so the hero's don't know me." Mis (y/n) can we take one home please!" Tomura looked at me with his big red eyes." Maybe later." I smiled patting his head with a smile. He soon turned to the Deku kid, who was wearing his hero costume." Woah! Are you a hero!" He said jumping up and down. Deku nodded to him." A hero in training." He said with a smile. I was glaring at him. " I want to be a hero too!" Tomura said to him. Deku patted his head." Well I will cheer you on." He smiled." You hear that mis (y/n)" Tomura said with a smile." Come on tomu let's go home." I smiled to him he nodded running back to me. I watch as he ran with his arms behind him like a hero. I just smiled and let him do his thing. When we got back i was tired but tomura has a lot of energy. I told him I was going to take a nap and he went with me. He laid right next to me and feel asleep.

I woke up in the morning to the boy looking at me." (Y/n) why am I so tiny." It was Shigaraki but I guess the body didn't change with his mind." You got hit with a quirk that made you young." I said to him." Huh." He said putting his hand on his chin." Well I'm still going to need help with this useless state." He said to me. Then he looked down." Why am I in one of your shirts." He glared up to me." Well your shirts would have been touching the floor and since I'm a little smaller then-" I trailed off. Then he sighed." Fine what ever." He said to me. He went to open the door but he was to short. So I followed him and opened it for him." Tch." He said sounding annoyed. I liked it better when he was happy about the world not this." Hay tomu." I asked him as he was walking." Don't call me that. But what." He stopped and looked up to me." What happened. When you were a kid." I said to him. He looked like he got a little mad." Nothing you need to know." He glared back. I looked down a little."Okay." I said to him.

We got down to the bar were kurogiri was."
(Y/n) help me up please." I nodded and put him in the chair." Looks like the quirk is starting to wear off." Kurogiri said." Not fast enough." The Little tomura put his hand on the table." I'm going to get ready for the day. Can you watch him?" I asked kurogiri and he nodded.

Tomura pov
" what wrong with her." I said annoyed that I'm in this body." I don't know, she was really excited to take care of you. For a while I believe you had your 5 year old mind set." I cringed when he said that." So that's why she asked me things this morning." I mumbled. I sighed and got down from my chair. (Y/n) was I would say third in command if something happened to Kurogiri and I she would be the one who will lead the league. And she knew little to nothing about me. I walked up the stairs to her room and again I couldn't open the door so I knocked. I saw her open the door and I walked in." Well come in." She said kind of annoyed." You wanted to know about my past right." I said to her. She looked shocked for a moment then nodded. So I started to speak to her not everything just some of the things. But she listened to everything.

" so that's why your a villain now." She said to me." It was kind of cute the first thing you said before you got your adult mind set back was do you want to play heros." She said with a smile." That why I wanted to know about your past to know why you don't like them anymore." Her smile started to go to a frown." When I get back to normal I'll tell you more alright." I looked up to her and she nodded looking like she had something to say." You want to say something." I asked to her." You think even when you have your adult mind set. Can you sleep by me like you did for the first two nights." She said. She's always like this with kids. Like she wants to protect them. Like she won't do any villain thing if there is a kid involved." Tch fine." I said her face lit up." Thank you!" She smiled.

I did most of my leader stuff as (y/n) helped me like normal. Soon it was time to go to bed but (y/n) went to bed about an hour before. I walked up to my room to see her asleep on my bed. I crawled up on the bed and next to her. She cuddled me close to her.

I woke up back to my normal size to see her head still on my chest. And I was naked. I got up and got cloths on." Tomura." I looked over to see (y/n) awake." I have a question for you now (y/n)." I said to her." Um." She said still tired." Why do you like kids so much." I asked her." Because my baby brother died from a hero not saving him." She mumbled. I was surprised. Then I looked at the ground." Thank you. For the last three days." I said to her." Maybe tonight we can cuddle again?" I asked her." Yeah I would like that." She said with a light smile. Hugging the pillow a little.

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