Shigaraki tomura x old friend! Reader

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~Your Young pov ~
I heard screaming from next door again. I looked up from my book and out the window. To see a little boy begging to be let back in the house. I got up and grabbed my blanket. It was really cold today. And this became a habit. I hear the screams I grab a blanket and I go over there. Tenko Shimura was his name. I get outside with the big blanket around me. I knocked on the fence."(y/n?)" he asked I could tell he was crying." Yup it's me." I said with a smile. I threw the blanket over the fence and crawled under the small hole I made." You heard again didn't you." He said looking down. I nodded wrapping the blanket around me and him." I can still ask my mommy if you want to stay over at my house. So you don't get thrown out like this anymore." I said to him. He shook his head." Oh okay." I said to him. Soon I had to go home I let him keep the blanket and I told him I would be back tomorrow.

The next day came and I was playing in the back yard when it happened." Tenko!" I hear his father yell. I got by the fence." You went in my office didn't you!" He yelled then hitting him. My eyes widen. And I crawled under the fence. I knew I couldn't just stand and watch him get hit." No stop it!" I yelled getting in front of Tenko. Just then I got hit myself. I feel to the ground and I looked up. To see he was gone inside the house. I rubbed my face and looked over to Tenko." Are you okay." I asked him helping him up." Yeah but are you?" He asked me worried. I nodded to him." Thank you (y/n)." He said to me. I hugged him really tight.

" (y/n)." I looked over to see my mom. Her eyes widen after she saw the red mark on my face." What the hell did you do to my daughter!" She yelled at Tenko dad." She got in the way. Of me doing something." He glared back." What beating abusing your son!" My mom yelled." (Y/n) come with me." She said grabbing my hand and picking me up." This won't be the last time you hear from me." She said.

My mom ended up leaving me at home with my dad and she went to the police. I went outside to see Tenko was crying again. His dad must have filled up the hole because I could get over." Tenko?" I called. Just then I heard screaming. But it was fear from Tenko." What's wrong." I said banging on the fence. I heard more screaming and people yelling and thing getting destroyed. I used my hands to dig a hole to help. But when I got threw I saw that Tenko was all bloody and no one alive in his house." Tenko?" I called out to him and he looked scared." Come on, ill take you over to my house." I said calmly. But right when I grabbed his hand I felt pain." (Y/n)!" He said scared. He freaked out and ran off. I was in to much pain to go after him. And that's when my dad came over and saw what had happened to me. After that me and my family had moved to the other side of town to get away from everything.

~ now~
I learned to live with one arm it was hard though. Honestly that night now is so fuzzy. It was not to long after I got my quirk. And I knew That's what was happened that night. His quirk appeared. I haven't forgotten his name. And do I hate him for causing me to lose my arm no. I just wish I know where he went.

I was walking back from the store my bags in my good hand. " please sir. I don't have any money." The guy said. I glared, a villain huh. I walked down to them. " I know you have something on you." The guy smiled he had black hair and scars all over his face." Hay." I said to him." He looked up to me." Don't get in the way missy. Or you will get burned too." He said making some blue fire. Just then I used my wind quirk and blew it out." You want money right." I said with a glare. I pulled out my wallet and pulled the cash out of it the threw it at him." Here now let him go." I said to him." Why am I mugging him when I should be mugging you." The guy laughed walking up to me. I got a little scared now. Just then he shot fire at me but I dogged just in time. But my jacket sleeve did get on fire. I took off my jacket to I wouldn't get burned." Dabi." I hear a voice. A purple mist come out of nowhere and a guy walked out of it. He had hands all over his body." I'm just earning some money, Tomura." He smiled to him and the threw another fire ball at me causing me to fall down. Then they both walked up to me." This cripple thought she could help." The Dabi guy looked down at me. I looked at the other guy and saw red eyes. Then the other guy stopped." Dabi go back to the base." He said to him." What? why!" He yelled back." Just do it." He glared." Tch Fine." And he went into the mist.

I was scared am I gonna die. He then squatted and looked at me." I know you from somewhere." He said his voice scratchy. He took the hand off of his face carefully. My eyes widen." Tenko!" I said wanting to hug him." I don't go by that name anymore. So how do you know it." He glared. I looked at him sad." You don't remember me." I said tears in my eyes." I don't remember ever knowing a one armed girl. I got mad and I got up fast." Your the one who did this to me!" I yelled at him holding my nub." That means you got in my way once." He stood up. He was maybe a good foot taller then me. And honestly he was really scary." No I didn't." I said looking down." Why don't you remember! I tried to help you! Then you hurt me and ran off." I said to him crying a little. He glared at me." Can I at least talk to you and hope you remember." I begged him." Fine." He said to me." I lived right next to you. And every time you got put outside because of your dad, I would come over with a blanket and just talk with you. One night it was really bad and when I tried to help your dad also hit me. Then he got my mom and my mom went to the police to get you help. But then I heard screaming and I tried really hard to help you. Then when I got over there was blood everywhere. I tried to help you but when I grabbed your hand your quirk caused it to just disappear." I explained to him. He looked down at me like he didn't believe me. " oh yeah if you helped me why didn't you come back." He said with venom." My dad moved our family." I said. " follow me." He said walking to the mist. I reluctantly started to follow him.

" Tomura Who is this." A mist guy asked. So a warping quirk huh." Someone who knows my past so I can't have her walking around willy nilly." Tenko said. I laughed a little. And they all turned to me." What's so funny?" Tenko said with a glare." Nothing." I said as I stopped laughing." How do you know about Tomura's past we don't even know that." Said a girl with blond hair." I lived next door to him." I told her." Oh what was handy man like as a child." She asked laughing. I could feel him looking at me." I don't think it's right talking about someone's past when they could just tell you." I told her scratching the back of my neck." Oh fine then why do you only have one arm." She asked. I looked at her. Flashbacks happened and my head started to hurt." Are you okay mis (y/n)." The mist guy asked." Yeah, I'm just gonna sit down." I sat down and asked for a water. Just then I was grabbed by Tenko.

We were in a different room." What is it Tenko." I could see he was trying to keep a tough look." You didn't tell them even how you lost your arm and that it was my fault." He said to me." It's not for them to know." I said to him." Even though I did it to you." He said to me he look like he did when he was young." Tenko I know your a villain now. But I'm just happy you found a place you belong." I smiled to him. What he said next surprised me." Why don't you join. The villains." He said he held my hand with the pinky up from both of his hands." Please." He said to me." But I don't want to hurt anyone." I said worried." You don't have too. I just don't want you to go again. I went back to my home and you weren't there. I thought you were afraid of me." He said upset." I would never be afraid of you. Yes I had nightmare on what happened but i knew it wasn't your fault." I said to him." I'll join the villains but I'm not killing anyone okay." I smiled. " okay. And I will fill you in on everything." He said." Your gonna go out there and act all mean again." I asked him." I'm not mean." He glared again." And stop glaring at me." I said to him back with my own glare. He laughed a little." You haven't changed. I'm glad we were able to meet again."

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