Chapter 14

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Of all things that could have thrown me off, today's events were less preferred. I never would have expected to find my former best friend from my childhood here at this school almost 10 years since we last saw each other as children, and now everything feels thrown off. As bad as it sounds, I tried avoiding Finn when class was over, mainly because I wasn't emotionally prepared to see him again, so I don't want to make things any more awkward than it already might be. I headed straight to work when school was over, and I tried forgetting about the whole encounter at school with Finn. That is, until I was asked to man one of the registers for a moment while they went to use the restroom. I helped a few customers purchase their items until the last one was only purchasing TV dinners, and as I looked up to comment, my soul left my body to see Finn standing across from me, surprised to see me working at a general store. 

"Um, hey, Carina...", he greeted me rather awkwardly as I struggled to check his items out as quickly as I could, "You work here?" I nodded as I answered his question, "Uh, yeah. Have been for about a year now. Helps to pay my bills and for my apartment." He raised his brows at my response, "Oh, you have your own apartment. Impressive. I'm just bunking with a roommate on campus in a dorm." A dorm? How was he able to live on campus when it's so expensive? It was almost like he read my mind, "I got a scholarship to attend school on campus, so no, I'm not super rich or anything. I just worked really hard for this opportunity to go to college." I smiled as I told him, "That's great, Finn. I'm glad you were able to get this far." He smiled back as he paid for his items and waved as he said, "Well, see you around, I guess." I waved back before he left the store and that's when my coworker finally came back from their restroom break. 

I went home still mulling over everything that's happened today and wondering if this'll change anything for me. After completing one or two school assignments and feeding Fern for the night, I found some time to rest on the couch for a while before the phone rang and I heard Remington's voice on the other end. He told me about how the band is doing and how complex the process is to record songs in an actual studio which they've never seen before but are excited about it. Then he'd remind me of how none of it would've happened if I wasn't in his life to support him and his brothers entirely as well, who treat me like family. "Anyway, enough if me blabbing on", he said, "How was your day? I hoped it was a good one." I was a little caught off-guard when he asked, but I went ahead to tell him though I was still shocked up, "Um, my day was...actually a bit interesting to say the least." "Really, why?", he asked me and I told him, "I had a new classmate in one of my classes...who happened to be my old friend from my childhood." 

He seemed to pause for a moment and I was starting to get afraid he might be upset or something, but he continued normally, "An old friend? Who was it?" "It was actually a boy from my hometown who was my best friend then. His name is Finn Sawyer, but I hadn't seen or heard from him since we were little kids. It was a bit bizarre and awkward to see him again after so long, but he seemed nice. He remembered me and still treated me as kindly, but I honestly feel like a horrible person now." He sounded curious, "You, ma chérie? But why?" I shrugged to myself as I expressed to him, "Because I haven't thought about him since I was a child and I'm afraid if he knew that, he'd think that I intentionally forgot about him as if I was ashamed or I wanted to dismiss our friendship. He was much too kind for anything like that, so I'm not sure how I should act." I felt so guilty for my unintentional dismissal of Finn that I felt some tears shed from my eyes. 

"Carina, listen to me", Remington politely commanded through the phone, I raised my head slightly to give him my attention, "You are not a bad person for leaving him out because you had other things going on. I'm sure you still cared about him even if he didn't cross your mind. I'm sure there are certain people I've forgotten who were really good people as well, so don't feel so bad. If he turns out to be good company, I'd like to meet him and learn more about you as a little girl growing up." I was surprised by that last statement, "You would, Rem? Are you sure you'd want to do that?" He chuckled a little - the sound making my heart flutter - before answering my questions, "Of course, my sweet angel! In fact, the idea you had at least one friend during your childhood makes me feel better knowing you weren't completely alone as a kid. Wish I had known you then to protect you from anyone who'd try to hurt you in any way." 

I giggled at that as I said with a smile on my face, "Thank you for saying that, Rem. But I was actually okay as a young girl. I preferred being alone rather than being with kids who didn't understand or respect me." "Yeah, that's my girl! Independent AND self-reliant!!!", Rem cheering me on made me laugh hard enough to take away the stress I had been feeling lately. I decided it was late enough and went ahead to say goodnight to him, "Okay well, it was really nice being able to talk to you, Remington. I miss you more and more everyday, but I can't wait to see you again soon." I could hear his smile though the phone as he responded with, "Me too, ma chérie. My love grows stronger for you every second of the day and I long for the day I get to show you just how much I missed you and everything about you...If you know what I mean..." After realizing what he might be implying, I felt my face heat up as I stated in a flustered tone, "REMINGTON!!! How- I- You can't say things like that to me knowing it makes me all-you know..." He chuckled before telling me, "I just love your reaction to me telling you how much I love you. You have a good night's sleep, my lovely darling...." With that, he blew a kiss through the phone and hung up before I could respond (not like I could as he left me so speechless) as I put my phone back on it's receiver and went to bed for the night.

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