Chapter 71

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Carina's POV

We had been back at the hotel for a while when Nina and Emerson finally returned back and we all asked how it went. She replied that while it was the most anxious moment of her life, it was also the most liberating. We congratulated her and reminded her of how much we believe she'll be guaranteed a spot to attend the school. She thanked us and mentioned that she's expecting a letter in a month from today from the school explaining their decision for her. We wished her luck and congratulated her once more for doing amazing. It was getting late then and we decided to turn in early before we had one more day in Europe and then we'd have to return back home to Querencia. Part of me was sad to go back because I really enjoyed my time here with my friends and loved ones. But I was happier to have helped support my dearest friend during the most important day of her life. I never thought that me of all people would be considered an inspiration to someone like Nina. It meant a lot to know she wanted to inherit the good parts of me when I didn't think I had any that were worth thinking about.

Even though everyone else was asleep that night, I was wide awake for some reason and I wasn't sure why. Wanting to clear my head for a while, I carefully removed myself from Remington's grasp in our bed and climbed off before walking toward the balcony and taking in the view of the beautiful city at night. I thought about Nina's potential future living here in Europe and studying at such a prestigious music academy that could help her reach her full potential as a musician. It made me smile to think about the people I love getting to where they deserve to be. Then I thought about my future and my smile dropped. Lately, school hasn't been motivating me to continue with the way I feel neglected and no one really cares unless I was going to be something that would end up making me miserable. I was so close to dropping out at this point, it made me depressed and angry that I came this far in my education just to feel like it isn't worth it anymore unless I have motivation again.

I felt arms wrap around my body which startled me, and I turned to find Rem holding me close and leaning his head on my shoulder which felt comforting. I leaned more into his touch as I was glad his presence interrupted my negative thoughts. "Baby, why are you up so late?", he whispered in a sleepy tone, which made me blush, "Is your head messing with you and you couldn't sleep?" I was surprised he knew, I didn't say anything at first then just nodded without looking at him. He kissed my cheek and told me, "I know how you feel. We all get to that point when our mind is our worst enemy. It's okay, it's only in your head and you're doing everything right. I'm so proud of everything you're doing to be so independent and still be the greatest girlfriend in the world." I giggled at that last part and then turned to hug him and rest my head under his chin. He embraced me back before he lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes while stating, "My love for you is unwavering and nothing you do could ever change that, okay?" I nodded and he smiled before planting a soft kiss on my lips before we went back to bed and slept in each other's arms.

The next day - our last day in Europe - ended up being the most memorable day of that weekend. While we were having breakfast at a local bakery, we were interrupted by someone who introduced himself to us as the headmaster of the music academy that Nina had just auditioned for. Nina was very surprised to see him again, especially before she would leave and possibly not see him again. He then proceeded to give a speech to Nina in front of all of us as he explained, "Miss Moon, I'll have you know that of all the school applicants I've accepted and rejected in all the years I've been in charge of that school, I've never met anyone like you yet you seem like everyone else." That threw all of us off until he clarified, "What I mean by that statement is that you seem to fit the typical background of a pampered and privileged music prodigy, yet you do not exhibit any of the common qualities. You're shy and introverted and you seem like you'd rather play for yourself than the world which confused me. Then I realized, the world you perceive is not the vast, round planet we live on, but the people and places you find comfort and security. I must admit, a person like you is extremely rare especially in these times."

Nina seemed embarrassed and flattered by the headmaster's words for her, she stated, "Ahem, I don't know what to say. I was only expressing myself and my desire to improve doing what I love." He nodded and then expressed, "Indeed, Miss Moon. Which is why I'm placing you under a list of students to be guaranteed an automatic spot for your passion and enthusiasm to a creative outlet we take for granted. Do not thank me now. You will have to prove you earned your opportunity once you finally begin this fall." With a single bow, the headmaster turned to leave from our sight and we were all left dumbfounded where we were sitting. I turned to Nina who was in intense shock of what just happened that she almost looked catatonic. I asked carefully, "Nina? Are you okay?" She didn't respond for a moment then turned to me as she asked, "What just happened?" We all giggled a little before Nina began to shed tears that were falling down her face and we all embraced her in a group hug as she kept crying tears of joy of finally being recognized to do what she loves without any pressure from anyone.

After that, we weren't prepared for what happened next as Emerson took her hands in his and declared quite boldy, "I was going to wait until you heard a decision later, but now that we know you'll be studying here, I have something special to announce." She looked confused as did the rest of us as Emerson looked like he couldn't keep it in any longer and announced, "As a way to let you know I'm with you every step of the way, I'm planning on buying a place here in Paris and inviting you to move in with me so we can still be together as you continue your dream here." We all gasped in shock of Emerson's announcement as he waited for Nina's response and it took her a while to process what he said then finally nod her head and grin so widely, "You'd do that for me? I'd love nothing more than to have you with me as I do this. I love you so much, Emerson." He smiled so adorably as he responded with, "Likewise, my sweet Moon Child." We applauded and cheered for them as we felt so happy and joyful for our friend who would be pursuing her goal in the most beautiful city in the world with the boy she loves more than anyone.

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