Chapter 48

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By the time winter break was over and it was time to go back to school, I had fully settled into my new home with Remington and the last day in my old apartment was pretty emotional. Seeing it completely vacated as if I had never lived here, all my memories of staying in this small space flooded my mind and I shed a few tears. I felt happy knowing that my time here led to this great next step in my life where I get to settle into a new and bigger home with the person that makes me feel loved, safe, and accepted all at the same time. Remington held me close and planted kisses in my hair as we stood in my empty apartment, telling me in a sweet and endearing tone, "I'm so fucking happy you came into my life, ma chérie. I hope you realize how much joy you bring to everyone around you." His sweet words brought a smile to my face as he wiped away any tears I had left before holding my face gently in his hands and gazing into my eyes lovingly. He pressed his lips onto mine and held me securely in his arms as we left one last good memory in this place.

Coming back to school the next day, I thought about Remington who had left early this morning with the rest of the band to return to L.A. and continue working on their record. While it was still sad to see him go, I felt somewhat happier this time to look forward to when he'd return again and come home to our new one where we'd be together more often. When his mother learned about him moving in with me, she was a little sad that he wouldn't be living under her roof anymore, but she was proud to see him growing into a good and decent man who wants nothing more but to give the best to the one he loves most in this world. I was surprised she didn't judge us, or anyone we knew. I guess it's because living in a conservative household where your mother only expects you to do things with the boy you love after you get married and nothing before. I'm sure that was fine in her time, but I can't give up my life so quickly when I have so many goals that marriage can halt or demolish. I'm happy Rem understood that when he bought that house for us, knowing we still have goals to work towards for ourselves and each other.

When I saw Finn again in the class we were in together, I asked him how his break was, and he told me he had a great time spending the holidays with his grandmother who was very happy to see him again. It made me happy to know he had a great holiday break as well as I did. While we caught up later in the library to review for our class, Finn wanted to tell me something as we walked out after, I asked curiously, "What is it, Finn?" He looked nervous for some reason as he started with, "When I stayed with my grandmother these past few weeks, I was telling her about my new life here and how I've been scared to adjust to a new place with a familiar face. What she told me helped me realize what was wrong with me and I wanted to tell you something that I need to hear your response on." I raised an eyebrow questioningly as I responded with, "Okay..." He stepped closer to me and began to declare, "Carina, I wanted to say that...I-"

What he was about to say was interrupted by Nina who ran up to me and stated, "Carina! I'm glad I caught up to you. I have something for you." I was surprised, "You do? What is it?" She reached into her backpack and pulled out a book with blank sheet music in it. I was confused as I asked her, "What's this for?" She beamed as she answered my question, "For you and Remington, because I had help bringing in my old piano for your new home!" I gasped and covered my mouth in shock as I exclaimed, "Nina! But that's your piano, you shouldn't have." She shook her head and smiled, "I figure whether or not I get to attend the music academy in Europe, you should have something in your home to create music in the atmosphere. Besides, I prefer playing the piano here at school or at Stephanie's house." I held back my tears as I hugged Nina tightly and squeezed to show how grateful I was for her wonderful gift. I pulled away and said to her, "It means a lot, Nina. You have no idea how grateful I am." She beamed once more before heading off and waving bye to me.

"New home?", I heard Finn ask as I turned back to him, "You moved out of your apartment?" I nodded and explained to him, "Yeah, finally did so this weekend and moved into a brand-new house that Remington bought for us." Finn looked taken back at what I just said and pressed on, "A new house for both of you? Wait, hold on... Are you saying that you and him are...?" I nodded to confirm the last part of his question, "Yeah, we're living together now. I know it seems scandalous because we're not even married, but he wanted me to have a bigger space and he wants to be with me whenever he comes back from L.A.." His reaction to my news was more than I expected and I asked him, "Look, Finn, you can judge me for acting like a little rebel if you want. But since you're my friend, please don't make this into a big deal, okay?" He didn't say or do anything for a while which worried me, then finally nodded and said to me, "Of course, Carina. Anything for my long-time friend." Maybe it was my imagination, but the way he said that sounded like it was bitter in his mouth.

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