Chapter 28

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Remington's POV

When it was Sunday, our band decided to end the special weekend with a private concert just for us and our friends. We decided to do it on the roof of the hotel building where it was vacant enough for us to do so. Around noon that day, I watched as my sweet angel was packing up for later tonight when she and her friends would have to go back to Querencia after what had been the best weekend for all of us after a long time. Something's changed within me since we've been spending more time apart and I don't get to see her as often. As much as I enjoyed teasing her to see her adorable reactions, these strong impulses I've been getting to express my love to ma chérie in a more physical way were getting harder to control. I just wanted her to know how much she means to me and I'd never want someone who isn't her. I kept wondering, if I wanted to take things farther with her, would she be okay with it? Or would she be scared and leave me? The last thing I wanted was to hurt her as I kissed her cheek to see her smile.

We waited until it was midday so the atmosphere would be better as the Sun was setting and everything was perfect. Sebastian and Andrew brought their guitars, Zion brought their bass, and Emerson brought his personal briefcase to play as a drum. Our friends gathered in a small crowd close to us as they sat on the concrete and were excited to hear us play. Me and my brothers decided to play one of the first songs we wrote and still means a lot to us, which was "Get Higher". Seb's playing and Em's beat helped get me in the rhythm as I began to sing.

I woke up to the sound
Of a man who's always been
But never been around and he told me
How to change my ways
And stop with the childish games
So I told the man no
I'm never ever going to change
This's who I am
Going to feel my own pain
Haven't been here in years
And it's not your choice
Going to do what I want
Cuz I'm not a little boy

I get higher, I get higher
I'm going to set this house on fire
Shut off the lights I hear your sound
I'm locking the door as you fall to the ground
I get higher, I get higher
The sun is shining I'm on fire
I walk the streets I hear no sounds
My shiny blue eyes turn to painful brown

Even though it was a small crowd, it was so pleasing to be performing in front of the first few people who have been by our side with this dream and probably will always be. I glanced at Carina as her contagious smile and eyes lit up as she watched me and my brothers playing sparked something in my heart as I smiled back and gave her a wink. She blushed in response and it made my smile grow bigger to see the girl I love the most in this world look so beautiful just being here for me and supporting me in what makes me the happiest.

In the park where I sat down
Saw the payphones ringing
So I answered the sound
I need another quarter
Man keeps on talking
Don't know where it went
Must of lost it in my pocket

I get higher, I get higher
I'm going to set this house on fire
Shut off the lights I hear your sound
I'm locking the door as you fall to the ground

And I get higher, oh
And I get higher, alirght
I can't take it
I can't take it
I can't take it
And I can't take it all

Come on now
Yeah, oh
Here we go

I get higher, I get higher
I'm going to set this house on fire
Shut off the lights and I hear your sound
I'm locking the door as you fall to the ground
I get higher, I get higher
I'm going to set this house on fire
I walk the streets I hear no sounds
My shiny blue eyes turn to painful brown

Oh, oh yeah
Oh, alright

I can't take it
I can't take it
I can't take it
And I can't take it all

As we finished the song, our friends and loved ones cheered for us and gave us applause, making me and the band grin like fools. I was startled when a rose landed on my arm and as I picked it up, noticed Carina was blushing much harder than before and giggling to herself as she watched me hold the rose she threw at me. I couldn't help but fall for her all over again as I got up and walked over to her so I could lean down to crash my lips onto hers and give her my gratitude just for being the greatest thing in my life. She kissed back shyly before I pulled away to tell her, "You're just the sweetest angel to ever walk this earth, ma chérie." That made her turn away to hide her embarrassed blush, and I chuckled as I kissed her cheek and noticed something behind her.

Someone was watching from the door that led to the roof and as soon as they realized I noticed, they closed the door and I ran over there to follow them. I opened the door quick enough to catch the person walking down the stairs and confront them, "Hey, were you watching us or something?" They turned to face me and I realized it was one of the hotel employees. He seemed ashamed as he answered my question, "I'm very sorry if I seemed like I was snooping or something, but I heard music playing and found you guys up there performing. Your voice sounded familiar and I wanted to ask you...are you Palaye Royale?" Oh. My. Fucking. God. He recognizes us? How? I responded with, "Uh, yeah, we actually are. How did you know?" He shrugged as he explained, "I heard your song, Morning Light, on the radio a few days ago and I honestly can't get it out of my head. Are you guys gonna sell records soon?" I grinned like a moron as I nodded, "Oh, hell yeah. Very soon."

When Mrs. Infamous Loved The Masochist... (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now